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Anyone used Flight Timber for their TF?


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as per the title really.


we're going to see a house being built so will see first hand their build quality, I was just wondering if anyone on here has used them. Quote is very competitive and they're based in Essex which isn't a million miles from Sussex which is a bonus.

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  • 2 months later...
39 minutes ago, freshy said:

@Thorfun Did you see the Timber Flight build?

yes we did. it was very impressive. great quality work and the owners spoke very highly of them. the house we saw was the valu-therm panels so a little different to our open panel TF but still looked like very good work.


after some thought it was actually an easy decision for us and they were the company we chose to go with. we paid our deposit and the architects are currently working with them on the TF design and building control drawings. so far I have nothing but good things to say about them. but the proof, as they say, will be in the pudding. and by that I mean when I get to the stage of delivery and erection which could be 3 or 4 months away not by what sort of culinary delights they give us after dinner. 

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11 minutes ago, dpmiller said:

80mm plus service void? That's LOTS of very long screws...

this is true! 


I am still toying with the idea of just using 50mm PIR (or somewhere in between, maybe 70mm) but the building control drawings are being done with 80mm PIR and the SAP calculations as well. so I'll probably just stick with that and deal with the screws as and when I get to it. 


I based the build up on the MBC wall as well as many other companies' designs...



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