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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, can anyone - in brief - explain what the difference is between a planning amendment application (to PP already secured) vs a full-blown new application? We have added some (PD sized) dormers to an outbuilding without PP, I am proposing to remove 2 of the said 5 dormers as a volumetric gesture to the council, which would be submitted as an amendment to the existing PP. Our planning consultant thinks we have a solid shot of getting these dormers across the line via a full app, however... The LPA are trying to edge me down the route of submitting a full planning application, which I am reluctant to do a) because I deem it unnecessary and b) because with a full app this gives them (in my cynical view!) more ways to come at me. Finally, I really can't be bothered with the rigmarole of them flyer-ing all the deranged neighbours again, which is what would happen with a full app. So what is the difference between the two? Where does an Amendment end and a Full App begin?
  2. As part of my planning application I have to run an ad in local newspaper, a formal notice under Article 13 of Town and Country Planning Act 2015. Cost for the classified ad seems to be about £250-300. Seems rather pricey, not to mention it being an anachronism! Anyone done this? Any tips for saving money and doing it more cheaply?
  3. There are different views about Planning Consultants, and whether they should be used. This is a short example of a Planning Consultant offering superb advice, that most of us self-builders would perhaps not think about. The Problem I have just received a Planning Permission, after 3 months of engagement with the Council. It is a commercial Change of Use but the lesson applies to self-builder permssions. We received our permission, but on the last morning the Planning Department applied an unacceptable Planning Condition which threatened the whole project. The Planning Condition clearly violates several of the basic tests. This condition had not been mentioned in the previous months of consultation, and I did not see it until it appeared on the Decision Notice. At this point the Planning Application has been "determined" (ie decided and frozen), so the Condition cannot be modified without a further Planning Application or an Appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. The problem is that a Full Appeal gives the Inspector the opportunity to reopen the basic Planning Application, and modify it - which I do not want. The Solution The recommendation from our Planning Consultant was: 1 - To apply for a Variation of the unacceptable condition, which might be accepted, then... 2 - To Appeal the Refusal of the application for the Variation if we need. The advantage is that we then if needed we can get a Determination by the Planning Inspectorate on the narrow point, while keeping all the other acceptable aspects of our Planning Permission out of their scope. The Learning Point As self-builders, we think about discharging Planning Conditions at the end of the build process. The same process can be used to vary them before we start building. It takes extra time and a fee, which is smaller than a Full Planning Application fee for a new dwelling, but does not run the risk of reopening the entire Permission to change. More information The appropriate form on the Planning Portal. Explanation of Planning Condition Variations on the Government Website.
  4. Damn ! I realised that the maps i bought online are 1:200 and 1:500, and i already had these and so didn't need to reorder and now i find the application ACTUALLY requires a 1:1250 or a 1:2500 version. I am loathe to fork out £25 again ...is there another way to get them ? Ps I know its my fault ..i should have checked the right box at checkout and yes i have tried t contact the company and of course i havent had a response
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