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Found 4 results

  1. Hi! I am having real difficulty in finding local tradesman to provide utility connections for our new build project in Dunblane. We are after Electricity, Water foul and water supply and potentially telecoms. We are right beside the (quiet, normal, residential, 2-way) road where all the connections lie - electricity on the far side and water on the side closest to us. And a temporary supply to help with the build will require roughly 6m distance at the most from electricity at the far side of the road to within our plot. I have a quotation from Crown Energy for ~£11k for all connections which seems massively expensive - but Crown inform me they subcontract everything so I'm not entirely sure why I need them. I am therefore trying to find a local (ish) contractor who might be able to do this for me (the disputables) but I am having trouble sourcing one. Can anyone provide any recommendations? Thanks so much in advance!
  2. Just a quick question regarding a new suppy of gas. We are planning to change the central heating of our bungalow (which elderly parents are living in) from electricity (economy 7 and night storage heaters) to radiators and a gas combi boiler in the summer when parents will not miss the heating. we are also planning a wet room extension which hopefully will start at the end of this month when planning comes through. My thought is to get the gas brought to the property at the same time as the building work is going on, with any trenches dug at the same time as the foundations. the neighbours gas supply comes from the road to the front of the property and so I would expect ours to do the same. If we organise the gas pipes to be brought to the bungalow and a meter installed, is it okay to then leave it for a few month till we do the rest of the work? What exactly should I sort out now and to what point so that we can then leave it till summer? thanks.
  3. Well with the trench blocks in its time to sort out my services and stuff for drainage and waste i basically COPIED the paths from an identical house but as I am doing the pipework and paths myself (as much as i can anyway) I wouldn't mind a bit of the usual good advice from the sages on here ! In your guys (or girls) honest opinion 1. does the waste and rainwater make sense ? ....do you think i need to add anymore feeds for RW at the top left? 2. The services (sadly) enter the house on the wrong side (see blue arrow) ...I have to get virtually EVERYTHING to the Blue cross as this trench carries it all 30m to the road Sewage, Water, Electric, Gas and Telecoms (too possibly) How would you lot do it ? ..as in what way? I have some pics below that could help you visualise it a) planned water paths b) roofscape ( the bit on the right is a single storey sunroom c) example of identical house built a few years ago any advice is appreciated
  4. Was driving home this evening when I got stuck in a jam on M25, as I was musing out of the window I noticed an ASHP on a farm building and observed the cable tray running from it to the building which, from where I was, looked crowded. It struck me that we have not made provision for the ASHP connections to the new house as yet and that I should get this aspect of the scheme into my head and onto some drawings. It looks like you need to get two well insulated water pipes, inlet and return, one condense drain, one power cable and probably a control cable, which I guess might be CAT6 or something simpler. A couple of thoughts struck me: Is there any limit to the length of the water pipes? Is it sensible to put them, the water pipes, into the slab, insulated, or run them outside the building. (I think that things which look like an after thought, such as pipes outside buildings should be designed out if possible) Can the condense drain run into the soak away or must it be piped to the sewer? Any thoughts anyone.
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