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Everything posted by Dave_madl

  1. we wont be architect supervised throughout the build, we are looking at getting a warranty as under the impression we would need it upto completion to change from a self build to a residential mortgage
  2. Was happy with the premium as you say, I'll query the 9200 for inspections
  3. my quote from build store seems excessive, or is this the standard price these days for a structural warranty? building a 170sqm 1.5 story house using a timberframe from a supplier and block work outside, this is on the isle of mull in scotland.
  4. When my uncle built his houses, he also filled his pipes with water to pressure test then didn't drain them over winter, although the house was wind and water tight the pipes still managed to freeze and split in several places during a few cold winter nights (probably not what you want to hear) but it does happen, this resulted in us having to cut up round all the walls to remove the whole ground floor and then redo it.
  5. Good Morning Katie, I got a couple, please see attached? unfortunately we are still waiting to get out the ground, we have finally been granted planning permission but now the long wait for our build warrant. Best regards DavidMortgage Costbook.xlsx Simplified costing spreadsheet.xls
  6. That would be great if you could send over a company we could contact to get things mocing with this. best regards David
  7. Good evening all, needing some suggestions for companies that could help us carry out the following works, highlighted yellow in the picture? We are based on the Isle of Mullull
  8. I own the land with a value of £100k with no outstanding borrowing on it, Can I get a self build mortgage after gaining full planning permission so that the money can be used to fund the build warrant aswell as the build?
  9. Thank you for the reply, we are still waiting on planning to sort them selfs out, making us jump through hoops at the moment, dreading getting our kit repriced when it comes to it as got a feeling it may go up by over 20%. Moncrieff is a very nice design, hoping this week planning comes in and we can crack on with the build warrant. Best regards David
  10. Hello everyone, Looking for some advice if anyone has had to deal with this before them selfs, planning have come back with we had to agree to a condition to be added to our planning saying we will submit a landscape design and planting plan... see email text below "I noticed a number of trees had fell during a recent site visit to the site. On further consultation with Argyll and Bute Councils Biodiversity Officer, she has confirmed that the site is located out with the Ancient Woodland, which was highlighted as a constraint near the site. What the biodiversity officer has requested in regard to the proposal is that a Landscape Design and Planting Plan is conditioned with the planning permission and suggests some native trees in a grouping, to what is established south of the boundary to help balance out the loss of the woodland and settle the proposed dwelling house into the landscape. " does anyone know how detailed this needs to be, or anyone we can contact that could help us with this or is it something we could just sketch ourselfs to keep them happy? best regards, David
  11. Hi Alan, How is your self build journey going? we are also with HAUS in inverness, still waiting on planning right enough. have your prices risen much since your initial quote with them? are you getting a bespoke design or something similiar from what they have on their website? regards, David
  12. thank you for your replies, we have moved the pocket door further up towards the back of the hall cuppbard as far as it can go, this should give us enough space for the tv on the wall now.
  13. Hi Deejay, that would be great if you wouldnt mind sending me that acroos, would be a huge help to have a look at your spreadsheet. ill send you a private messege with my email
  14. Good Afternoon, our plans are currently in for planning so next stage is Building warrant, weve been asked about positions of all our electrics, what lights in each rooms, sanitry/sing positions. thought this would be easy to decide but we just cant seem to agree on what we would need, looking for advice of anyone, or is there somewhere online who helps with these sort of things. I have attached our floor plans for reference. House FF.pdf House GF.pdf
  15. About to apply for self build mortgages, just wondering if anyone can clear a small point up, when doing the affordability checks, do they take your current temporary accommodation rent payments into account even though once the house is build you wont be living there, so there fore wont have any of that as over heads come completion time?
  16. Good Afternoon All, I am currently starting a self build on the Isle of Mull, i am wondering if anyone has any spreadsheet templates for keeping track of spending/materials/VAT paid to help watch our budget throughout the whole build. Many Thanks David Maclennan
  17. Cheers Dave We are fortunate that the land won't be sold to anyone else as its a friend we are getting it off for an agreed price. Is this certificate B you are talking about? Been typing to find the form on the argyll website but haven't come across it yet.
  18. Can anyone help with some advice, I have a plot of land I have been offered to purchase to start a self build, it doesn't have any planning etc on it, so is it possible to apply for planning in principle in argyll (scotland) on the land myself to get that decision atleast before dealing with solicitors etc and purchasing it. I do have site plans
  19. thats great to hear, Flemming is who we have been looking at using.
  20. thank you for this, great blog, i will spend time reading through it properly. can i ask what timber frame company you used?
  21. thank you for your reply, unfortunatly i am building on the isle of mull so trying to get a 2 story through planning in a rural area is just about impossible, 1.75 is realistic although they seem to push for 1.5.
  22. Good Morning, as a general idea, how much of a price difference is there between getting a 1.5 story kit from the likes of scotframe etc to getting a 1.75 story? i will be emailing kit companies but just thought i would ask here first for a general idea
  23. Thank you for your reply and information, Really like the layout you've gone for. Did you ever get a price from a kit manufacturer for your build to see how much you saved by just building it on site? At what point did you clear your site? As soon as you got planning permission? We are just waiting for final site plan to come back then can start the design stage to get planning underway
  24. looking for some advice, We have a plot on the isle of Mull and starting to look into various routes to go down, Route 1: use a timber frame supplier such as scotframe/flemming that offer architectural services and get them to do our design, planning, building warrant and kit supply or Route 2: get an architect to design our house, do the planning, building warrant and then get local joiners to build the kit onsite? what are peoples experiences on both and recommendations? Many thanks
  25. Looking for some advice, Currently about to sell our house and move to rented accommodation. We are using the equity from our house sale to purchase the land and then apply for a mortgage to do the build. When should we apply for the mortgage? We will be starting planning and building warrant process next week. Do we wait untill we have planning/warrant in place?
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