Yea, I discovered the usefulness of this for the very first time yesterday. Once we had got the boiler working again, it powered up to 90% modulation, the highest I’ve ever seen it modulate to. I guess with the water temperature from the mains being quite cold, the house having an average temp of 17.8C and the UWC being cold, it needed quite a bit of power to heat everything up.
It’s a 1920s semi that has been extended at the back on all levels. The back is therefore built to modern standards, but the rest, although covered in some 45mm of EWI and very airtight with MVHR, is ultimately solid wall construction, no cavity. Maybe the heat loss is only 15kw, but I erred on the side of caution, got to 18kw then my heating engineer practically doubled it!
No short cycling thank god. But we didn’t make the most of the boiler’s capabilities unfortunately. I trusted the installer too much and didn’t commission a proper design. Had I done that, we would have got the benefit of WComp and low temperature heating. Instead we are heating water to 65C and sending that to the UFH manifolds where it is mixed down to about 35C. Silly really, but I’ve learnt my lesson now!