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Everything posted by Pocster

  1. Why the (expletive deleted) @SteamyTea have you posted so much ? - I don’t recall you ever built a house !
  2. Added . You in the market for a swing seat ?
  3. I agree . But I’m paid via this forum for content . Without me this forum would have folded years ago . Care to join me on the dark web ?
  4. So I’m guessing it wasn’t “ do the work “ ourselves - but get contractors in ; that correct ? light weights ! - real men ( and women ) 💪
  5. The problem here is I want to post a pic . When I google “ sex dungeon photos “ - I think pretty much any of the ‘suggestions’ would get me banned … 🌈
  6. So you concede- I am the winner !!?????
  7. Id like to say @ProDave ! - trying to take longer than me is futile ! . I’ve got 2 yrs of work left I.e 4 yrs min . So just finish and let me win something !
  8. It has been a long drawn out build 🤣
  9. My bco won’t give a flying (expletive deleted) as long as he gets some “electrical sign off “ paperwork . It’s not been a long drawn out build at all ! . It’s been a joyous spurt into diy methodologies and implementations .
  10. Then you are legends like me ! Rejoice in the futility and ( let’s be honest ) stupidity of trying to build a house on your own . We are kindred spirits !
  11. Because you fanny around like me . Please join my other thread for ‘us’ type of people .
  12. You’ll over spend . There will be stress . Then you’ll say it was worth it but you wouldn’t do it again . Then some nice plinky plonk music gently plays as the camera pans up away from your build and mc cloud offers some immortal words that make other viewers feel cosy yet I just swear at the screen . But ! You did it ! . That and that alone is legend status ! ( unless you’re some experienced builder or architect because you know what to do ! )
  13. I approached grand design about my build 10 yrs ago ( I am being serious btw ) . I was told you don’t get paid ! . I told them to (expletive deleted) off because I don’t need mc cloud telling me what a shit show it is when I can work that out myself . Perhaps though I’d allow him to look now just so I can see his smug face …
  14. My sparky did all the main install ( I just ran cables which were left exposed so he could see ) . Therefore the part P isn’t going to be an issue . It’s a seperate form from eicr though yes ? I.e bco will need these 2 - they aren’t going to ask for anything else ? What about smoke alarms ? Seperate sign off ??
  15. I’ll check what part P is 👍
  16. Yes ! Almost electrical sign off ! Whats required ? eicr ? Something else ??? ta !
  17. Poverty has hit Pocster world ! No freebies for anyone I’m afraid !
  18. I know . That’s where my sex dungeon is
  19. Garage is asking to be a sex dungeon
  20. 3 pieces of advice from me ….. 🤔 Ok ! 1) You’d be surprised at what you can do . I mean literally it’s possible to do 90% + of it yourself ( with help from forums like here ) 2) Creative solutions can save you £1000’s …. Every problem has multiple solutions ( in life and self builds ) 3) Take forever doing it and have no budget . Welcome to the infinite build
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