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Everything posted by Pocster

  1. Thats what I said to the girl
  2. Yeah but first it was a bit of tiger seal. Then it was get the boss off Now it’s cut the (expletive deleted)er out ! Me no likey 🫤
  3. I sent a photo to a plumbing company … They suggested that if it is welded almost no chance of getting it off . So , cut out a section of the main drain would be easier …. See ! It’s becoming more and more work !
  4. Well that’s it isn’t it . Start removing this and it’s a one way ticket to fun . Hence me ‘thinking’ about it a lot first …
  5. Google suggests a multi tool and cut it out - then sand /file around the hole ( guess it would now have a good key ) . Often the cement as @Onoff mentioned gets used . Think that gives a better seal rather than runny thin glue . As the 2nd wrongly placed boss looks definitely like it’s been tiger sealed ; I’ll assume this one also .
  6. I probably used tiger seal because it gives me more than 7 seconds of play . I had problems before on other pipework where it was impossible to solvent weld conventionally - just can’t get it all in and lined up in those 7 seconds .
  7. This is what I’m wondering . I can’t remember if welded and then tiger seal when it leaked OR just tiger seal ( so would come off )
  8. Does this dry in 7 seconds like normal solvent glue ?
  9. Hang on ! It was welded ( I think ) - then gunked . I might be wrong was some years ago … 🙄 If welded and gunked will it come off nicely ??? 🤔
  10. I did do it right first time. It was just that its life span was 2 years....
  11. Yep. I'll hear that 'drip' at some point in the future for sure......
  12. 🙃 I'll prepare a big list of jobs for you! Seriously; very kind offer of you @joe90
  13. You really want me to do this don’t you ! 🤣 I’ll tiger seal it again . Then when it leaks again I’ll get a plumber in to do it ; will tell him some cowboy (expletive deleted)ed it up !
  14. Filled up the sink . Let it all go in one ; so pump is busy . Ran round , up ladder - watched . Saw 1 drip - couldn’t see exactly where it came from . As this has been fine for 2 yrs I think it is the pump causing the pipe to vibrate / thud and hence weakening any seal . Could ( once I’ve smeared more tiger seal round the joint ) maybe clamp the white waste pipe to something to restrict any ‘bump’ movement
  15. I caulk . Then when it cracks find the smallest narrowest trim I can and stick that up
  16. Once I got my completion certificate I just called up my insurer , changed to ‘normal’ insurance and of course my annual premium dropped so they refunded that . They never asked for any proof on completion . Also my self build insurance at the time allowed for occupation .
  17. Keep the beam exposed so the Kevin mccloud can comment on how authoritarian it looks …
  18. Not on a 1st date you don’t !
  19. @Onoff sent me a nice advent calendar. Obviously I had to ‘catch up’ to current date . Very nice , very festive . Do we have a Xmas section where he can post it ?
  20. Looking at this again .. the water discolouration track marks suggest running around the fitting ; up and then back to the bottom I.e drip point . 🤔????
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