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Everything posted by Pocster

  1. He said the same thing to me followed by “ Silly (expletive deleted) just board over it ffs “
  2. I’d say no which means everyone else will say yes .
  3. I remember when I insulated my slab . I put pir down , filled all the bits so nice and tight . Polythene over the lot , taped and up the walls all ready for screed . I thought I’d get the screed guy to look first - make sure it was ok . He started swearing . I asked what I had done wrong !? He said nothing . But no one fills in all the pir gaps . We just pour the screed and watch it push the pir apart as it flows into the void . Then the owner complains of cold spots in the ufh . This tells me a specific person on a specific trade can be sloppy / don’t care / naive - clearly not everyone though .
  4. Is this why doughnuts are round not square ? 🤔
  5. It’s the Bristol way to vastly over charge .
  6. I told the guy to check every single mu’ver (expletive deleted)er of yours
  7. True . I don’t doubt I’ve submitted other invoices that state ‘sales’ not vat . I asked what the difference was … apparently a ‘sales invoice ‘ can be changed whilst a ‘vat invoice’ is final . Sounds like a bit of BS too me …
  8. If an invoice says "Sales invoice" but has EVERYTHING on it to show VAT they will refuse it. Get the supplier to literally just reword it to "Vat invoice"
  9. (expletive deleted) it! 30 mins in queue! 5 more mins and then I'll scream if I listen to the same 10 seconds repeating jingle!
  10. Their reason for refusal is now different! , the invoice number reference they use is wrong, but the vat amount in question is correct! me thinks, left hand not know what right hand do. Still stuck in fecking queue! Got their address etc. from previous claim might just resort to posting in a nice letter ffs!
  11. They've rejected a claim as it's a sales invoice not a vat invoice. I can't see the difference!! - it has suppliers name, shows their vat number and shows the VAT! Online I can't login to give supplemental information as I've already done that; guess it's not allowed again. Their covering letter says a DIY6B letter should have been enclosed to dispute any non payment. No form enclosed ; nor can I see what this is online. Anyone got one or know? Currently in HMRC self build wait queue on the phone - listening to awesome happy music.
  12. I own some land out your way - great exuma . Another fantastic investment 🙄🫤
  13. Don’t think mine will do asa . I’s a poor fella now
  14. Abs ok in weather ? Temperature range I mean . Not going to split / crack / fade ??
  15. I used to work for SunAmp and pulled a few strings . I got ya bro 👊🏻
  16. Has a water feature yes . But yeah @Jeremy Harris returns and us 2 twats open the door for him . Sign of the times I guess .
  17. Ain’t that the truth . In that time I built an entire (expletive deleted)ing house .
  18. You’re back ! Knew you would ! I’ve tried to match your level of expertise and knowledge in your absence. Think I did ok 👍
  19. True . But those gags are pretty effective anyway .
  20. I have a seperate post box outside - saves letterbox in door issues .
  21. I’ve no hub . So you connect it say to your iPhone I.e HomeKit . Then run a HomeKit integration on home assistant . Then remove from HomeKit on your iPhone and it magics across to HA . You could get their hub - but it just seems extra unnecessary cost if you are already running home assistant ( though it might expose more entities as its official )
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