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  1. Sorry my post might not have been clear. I am offering the Enthalpy heat exchanger only so you will need a Zehnder Comfoair Q450 to use this. If this is still of interest then let me know.
  2. Hello, I have a spare Zehnder Comfoair Q450 Enthalpy Heat Exchanger as it doesn't work for our MVHR up in Scotland. Would anyone have a use for it? The only cost would be for delivery. It is in its original box from the Green Building Store. I am offering the Enthalpy heat exchanger only so you will need a Zehnder Comfoair Q450 to use this.
  3. For a historic building you should be using something breathable like cork, not plastic non breathable PIR.
  4. I paid roughly £10500 for a 7kW aurotherm plus with 300l UVC, no buffer tank as one zone and full install. Minus the Home Energy Scotland Grant (£7500) I paid £3000 of which £2500 was an interest free loan. This was from an MCS accredited installer which is a requirement for the HES funding. I did crazy different prices from different installers ranging up to your kind of price.
  5. building regulations aren’t really anywhere near passivhaus standard. Our house which is designed as a passivhaus has a sap score of 118 and the airtightness was 0.18. We have an ashp and 50m2 of solar though.
  6. Just managed to book our meter install for the first week of January by Scottish Power. For those with large amounts of solar did you go for a 1 or 2 rate meter? We are building a passivhaus with 50m2 of solar and a battery.
  7. Were you happy in the end with your soil survey? If you were would you mind sharing the details? Hoping to get a soil survey done soon.
  8. I'm about to start a build just outside Edinburgh and planning requires some test holes so would be grateful if you could share your contacts once you have your report back and are happy with it.
  9. Hello, this is my first post but have been reading for a while. We are just completing on our plot purchase in Scotland and are looking to use solar pv instead of a normal roof on a passive house. I find it really sad that people base there decisions purely on economics. If economics area all we base our decisions on then there will no planet left and the point where we won't be able to stop that being the case is pretty much now. The decisions you are making now about how to heat and power your home have a direct impact on whether or not we will have a planet to live on. The Government can't do it alone.
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