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twice round the block

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  1. Couple of issues I've come across with the outlet pipes and draining off of the condensation. The pipe exiting the boiler has had a slight upwards incline and so trapping water in the first section of pipe below the boiler. Mass builder's don't you love them. The sink drain (U bend) has had a partial blockage and so backs up water to the condenser pipe. With an external venting condenser pipe this has been sat on a gully cover and frozen upwards with a large ice core. All of the above have caused the boiler to shut down
  2. You need a large concrete profile beams, the same shape as your tram track in your harbour front but bigger..... and no cutting out a section of track to see !
  3. This spanner is double ended. Conventional on one end and anti tamper on the other. Am I missing something?
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/114677503971?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=XvffYdKaSk2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=FqCELzTESGy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY There you go. Search Heras anti tamper
  5. How are you allowed timber cladding over an integral garage? plus a neighbouring garage against that. What part of fire regulations does that not come under.? You can't even construct a timber building on a boundary.
  6. Well done. I hope you've got a nice new boundary fence between A & B on the plans !!!!. Glad you got that saga sorted out in the end so you could get a design together.
  7. Is the chimney stack on the roof above your flat?? Have you got a photo of it?
  8. A local architect will know what is feasible and if you can push the boundaries and what the chances are of getting planning permission on it, which is also dependent on your local authority. How efficient they are / or not, and the time scale involved.
  9. As per my other reply. Once your architect has got planning permission for you, he'll then do a set of construction drawings with relevant building regulations. These can then be used to price the build.
  10. Just get a good architect to do a design your happy with, and that he can get through planning.
  11. Take it off it's hinges and spin the door over so the duff handle is on the inside. 🤣🤣
  12. If your boat is of steel construction and not traditional build the extra heat you generate within your nearly air tight pod will feed through to the hull and head immediately to the coldest area's ie. the uninsulated area of the boat. The stern where your engine bay and fuel tanks are. You will always get moisture inside metal fuel tanks, hence why new builds use polymer tanks. If the boat is of traditional timber construction this allows your hull to breath, and the build up of heat dissipates differently.
  13. Slightly concerned about the amount of insulation you've put into every void inside the cabin space to lift the temperature when your diesel tanks are below or just on the waterline getting chilled with the outside temperature. This will cause excess condensation to your tank's and even more water in your fuel. I know or hope you've got a water separator in-line, but it won't help with the rapid increase in contamination of your fuel in your tank's. So by curing one issue you could be creating another for your self. Please don't install a hybrid unit over the top of your gearbox / final drive as it causes a major strip down just to change a control cable.!!! Back ground. Factory marine technician and a few year's working for river canal rescue when I got bored after taking early retirement.
  14. Under "foundation" sub section conduits and services
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