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August 21 - clearing the back passage



During August we focussed on clearing the exterior of the site to allow for easier access for future work, such as laying drainage and installing electricity.


This was the back passage when we started, at the end of the winter before all the weeds started growing.




and this is after most of the roof is gone and the bank & retaining wall are cleared.






In the south west yard where the electricity pylon is, this time in the middle of winter.

This was what it looked like.




during the clearance, lots of mess





and now, getting ready for the electricity to come from the pylon.






We need to do a trench to within 1m of the pole and still need to dig up the yard, but as that is thick concrete that's going to be quite a bit more effort with the breaker and digger.


Aside from that we reduced the size of one of the openings in the barn to allow for the pantry, something I have now and can't do with out.


After knocking out the half blocks, this also shows how the back bank looked before it was dug out, lots of bracken.






and now reduced in size.






What does Sept bring, well I don't know yet, block work to build up the internal walls I hope, but HID has a bad hip at the moment so moving and lifting blocks is a bit beyond him at the moment.

So, we shall see.


Have fun and 'see' you next month.



























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On 04/11/2021 at 20:28, jen and mark said:

What has happened to Septembers Blog? - reading with interest so please post more!

Sorry, been working (paid) from 8am - 6pm with an hours drive each way so nothing to report.

Except, slightly more in the coffers, will be like this until after Xmas when project finishes.

But I will try and do something.


Good to know that someone is watching.

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We are a good bit behind you so very interested! Have a great Christmas ?. Hopefully material prices will start to come down ?

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it would be great if they would.  I've just spent an hour tidying up as it seems to have got into a mess recently.

But, we are waiting on SE at the moment with some drawing for lintels and roof steels


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