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Flooring 1



Most of the internal work to date has focused on insulating the suspended timber floor and with this completed our joiners could come back and put down the sub floor.


We considered two different materials for the subfloor:


22mm OSB or 22mm Chipboard.


We decided to use chipboard as it was 25% cheaper then OSB. Plywood would have been another option but this would have been more expensive than the chipboard as well.


To do this job we needed just over hundred sheets of chipboard, 2800 Spax screws and 6 bottles of expanding PU foam glue.   


Whilst our joiners were on site they also attached some ply and osb boards to the internal load bearing walls. This will provide additional racking strength to the house.


As I can walk around all part of the house here are some photos:


The porch and utility room




The kitchen/dining room




Living room which has a part vaulted ceiling and the eventually the French doors will lead onto a decked area.




When this is framed it will be a bathroom, hall & stairs




Master bedroom and en-suite




And upstairs:


Two bedrooms on the gable ends.




A key feature of these rooms is a PK10 top hung velux.






The middle sections between the gable bedrooms will be a wardrobe, WC and a storage cupboard. This area has three PK10 veluxs.






Having a floor down feels like a big step forward for us.


One of the benefits for me is that I now have space to store materials within the house, as previously it was very awkward as often these had to be shifted around numerous times to complete a single job.


The next job is back to insulating, this time in the rafters. 

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Recommended Comments

2 minutes ago, ProDave said:

Looking very good.


Are you planning an air tightness membrane and then a service void?


Thanks @ProDave


The plan shows:


2 x layers of 80mm Quinn therm in the rafters. 


Then a layer of 30mm Quinn therm, I will tape the seams of the insulation board in large areas otherwise it will be a membrane (probably be a protect membrane).  


Then a service void.


I actually looked at your blog entry with the detailing around the windows recently. Did you use 12.5mm insulation for this or did you just cut odd scraps of thicker boards?


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