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So , Monday night saw us spending 2 hours with our electrician going over everything that we wanted, sockets, switches fans etc 

saturday and Sunday the plumbers had been in doing first fix which they finished off today, Sunday was an 11hour shift for them, Tuesday two electricians started their first fix and they arrived on site this morning at 5 am! They worked 13 hours today and were off to look at another job when they left here! Oh for the stamina of youth!

roofer did his batons on Monday/Tuesday and started roof tiles today, joiners have all the upstairs flooring down and have started insulation 

contracts manager from David l Douglas was in today taking his hard measurements for kitchen, he has us down for fitting on October 1st but I get the feeling we might bring this forward and need to decide soon as kitchen takes 4/5 weeks to make.

Ceramic tiler will be here for a look at the weekend and Phil from Greenflame will visit on Monday to advise of any preparation needed for the pellet stove and thermal store.

tomorrow staircase manufacturer will be here to measure up .

Oh and today I posted the cheque for the electricity supply!!!


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Fantastic! I'm not sure I had stamina levels like that even in my youth.

  • Haha 1


Wow, you are going great guns! Did you get a cheaper leccy supply or just cough up what they wanted in the end? 



Just said that to hubby ‘were we like that 30years ago?!’



Certainly didn’t cough up! We came to an ‘agreement ‘ where they are paying 83% of the cost, feeling pretty pleased with myself actually and glad I decided to fight it.

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What kw size of pellet stove are you going for?? 

Go for as large a thermal store as you can.

What have you in mind for the storage of your pellets. I get mine in bags and store them in my shed on a pallet. I go through around 1.5t each year for all my heating and hot water demand.



6 minutes ago, Christine Walker said:

Certainly didn’t cough up! We came to an ‘agreement ‘ where they are paying 83% of the cost, feeling pretty pleased with myself actually and glad I decided to fight it.


Yay, well done you!!! Robbing bar stewards weren't they!! 

  • Like 1


@Declan52it is an 18kw stove and a 500l thermal store, I expect we will store the pellets in a shed until the garage is up, what size house do you have, 1.5ton a year sounds great, we are considering solar thermal as well for heating water during summer but will have to see how the budget goes maybe we will add it at a later date 



Mine is a 22kw with a 350l tank. My tank is upstairs so 350l was as much weight as I could go to without some major additional joinery work.

I have pv so it takes care of the hot water between may - October.

Mine is inside my sunroom. At the time choice was pretty limited in NI for this type. Where will yours be going.

Make sure you ask about how often it will need cleaned out. I would do a quick clean  maybe every 3-4 days during the winter and a proper deep clean out every month. Takes about 5 mins for the quick clean and maybe 20 for the longer one. 

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23 minutes ago, Christine Walker said:

we are considering solar thermal as well for heating water during summer but will have to see how the budget goes maybe we will add it at a later date 


I have solar thermal. I wouldn't have it again. If I could turn the clock back I would have PV instead as it's useful all year round. 



The thermal store is going in the wc off the utility room, only place we have for it! The stove is a Klover inset into the wall, the company who will install say its one of the best on the market and seems to be on rollers to roll it out for maintenance, the chap says he himself has solar thermal on his shed roof and they supply his hot water all summer and he is further north than us but as I say we haven’t decided yet on these, I can see what@newhome is saying about all year round usefulness but we’re only thinking of something to save lighting the stove in summer 



I'm anti it mostly as mine doesn't work and I can't get anyone to service it. The minute they realise that they have to go on the roof no one is interested. So it's just a useless pile of junk currently. 




52 minutes ago, Christine Walker said:

@Declan52it is an 18kw stove and a 500l thermal store, I expect we will store the pellets in a shed until the garage is up, what size house do you have, 1.5ton a year sounds great, we are considering solar thermal as well for heating water during summer but will have to see how the budget goes maybe we will add it at a later date 


Be very careful with storing pellets - even in bags - in a closed environment such as a garage. There is a carbon monoxide risk from stored pellets and good ventilation is a must. 

  • Thanks 1


Another Claymore Timber Frame kit in various stages. Kit erected by Templeton Construction. 
Client was most impressed by quality , service and speed of the build

this was the latest entry on claymore Facebook page 9487A841-F1B0-464A-A01B-DD1697F7B1FA.jpeg.dd8339906e50560fe3339eef5fe00098.jpegAB210E1E-8690-4E19-82EC-DDA61F5056CF.thumb.jpeg.2e817c6f8b0623606a8f3e3a8ba17b94.jpeg4B355BAC-D1E0-4F43-8F7E-4FE52E48486D.jpeg.097ed29b00b9edd21cd2a7b73c5419e0.jpegE6BB54A9-0AB0-4E54-89B5-0F5F7CA6D684.jpeg.4392d871fc539484aac41b35a82f610a.jpegCF43358E-BB5D-4AC2-A856-E19ADC47F0AF.jpeg.32cb2cc199bd06e23b0ccd39eaa189e5.jpeg4C3E02B3-0B66-4A66-B261-F9CDAAB3E757.jpeg.18b9fe100c8e50018593a312801f52fd.jpegE1CA3F03-98D7-4DC7-A0D8-5A832CDBDDDF.jpeg.f1f7d4870f2ad863daac810a0bade1ca.jpeg97A07D8D-C56A-458C-A199-8FB517D694CF.jpeg.75223de81e5e3123dbf792f4dfb5f130.jpegEE7FFB4B-D115-44C2-88D6-8AB84E3AE14D.jpeg.927a3eb492cb7c7e9ea5b1c35ab5eb8a.jpeg

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