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Day four... Truss Day !



So day 4 since the tf arrived and it’s truss day- we have a man with a telehandler who assured us he can load them all and has done many times, the joinery firm wanted us to hire a lorry with a hi-ab from a friend of theirs but since it was a very high rate ( in our opinion) and the fact that he also charged traveling time at the same rate we decided to trust our man who has done a few things for us already with no problems so fingers crossed it all goes well -my heart is in my mouth and for once I’m glad I’m working today and can leave hubby to deal with it . 


I won’t repeat myself on the first bolt from the blue that hit us just before we started it can be read about elsewhere in electricity extortionate price and this has not been overcome yet although we are in talks with SP energy and I will let you know if or when it comes to a conclusion!but with the cottage sold and already some financial output into this project we had no option other than to go ahead and this we did.


we thought we were getting off lightly when we applied for the water connection and paid just over a thousand pounds however we did not realise that the water company did not do the road crossing for us and when we started looking for someone to do this we couldn’t find anyone who was interested in such a small job.We were very naive in this as although we’d built twice before we had built on the site of some old glasshouses so water was already on site and hubby made the connection.We advertised the job on one of the sites-my builder and immediately were approached by a small outfit who said they could do it in two days and at a reasonable price so we gave them the go ahead to sort it all out,all went well , they did the crossing , put in ducting backfilled and were coming back next day to put pipe through and tar. It all seemed to fall apart then when we were asked if we could pick up the tar but with a Mini Countryman this wasn’t an option which we told them and they agreed to come out with the tar at the start of the week.


We spent a terrible weekend listening to all the traffic bumping over the crossing and on the Monday morning when my hubby phoned to see what was happening the guy became very cagey and said he’d had a missed call from the local council! It turned out he had no permit to do this work and we were left with the problem to sort out. We managed to get another firm to retar and are now waiting on this firm obtaining the relevant paperwork to do the job. Just shows you how you can be taken in!

So , off I went to work and when I returned 4 and a bit hours later-voila! Trusses to both sides are up, the middle section has two A frames which need welding on Monday before the remainder of the trusses are fitted , a good job done toE367F326-7037-47B7-A6AE-5BFAD4E80468.thumb.jpeg.74000afc0f87c61f3b95e92cf691641a.jpegday 







Recommended Comments

4 minutes ago, Mr Punter said:

Magic indeed @PeterW and nice to have some pics @Christine Walker but not a truss to be seen!


They are dependent on Mr Telehandler doing his stuff so hopefully @Christine Walker will add some truss photos later when she comes out of hiding and can report that it's all gone great :). Fingers crossed! 

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