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To say I'm thrilled is an understatement.  Our architect gave me a call this afternoon to say that planning permission has been granted and with no changes to what we submitted.  I was fully prepared for the worst and even had a plan B in place so that we could deal with the summer bat roost in the roof of the existing bungalow before it becomes active again at the end of spring, so I can set aside that bit of scheming now.


I had some concern that the planning officer would object to the larger size of the new building or its increased height but my concerns were unnecessary.  One of the main parts of our briefing to the architect was that we didn't want more rooms than we have in our current house (3 bed with a loft conversion), but we wanted larger rooms.  Much larger.  In this case, size really does matter.  Anyhow, all's well for the time being so we best our game face on and start the hard work part of it.

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Well done but best wait until you have seen any conditions before cracking open the second bottle.

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As far as I can see, the conditions aren't onerous at all.  They want the usual confirmation of flues, vents and chimneys, etc., proposed tree planting/landscaping schemes and attention to the bats; no removal of POD either.  I don't think there's anything unexpected there, but I shall be going through it with a fine-toothed comb with the architect.

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