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Building Control

After obtaining planning, i got my building controll aplication under way. I had 2 options - Pay £1100 for Building Notice - Pay £900 for Full Plans.   Everyone on here recommends full plans, and it was a cheaper fee. I knew i'd have to either pay for the plans or do them myself. I opted to do them myself after loads of research on this forum (particiularily inspired by @HerbJ )   Here's my version of Herb's spec.   Building Regulation Specification Redac


LiamJones in Planning


I used the knowledge of this forum to help me work out what i wanted to build. I was told repeatedly to knock down and re-build, and i kinda wish i'd of gone down that route now, but i decided to stick with what i had and make it work. With that said, i'm not paying much VAT, i'm doing a lot of the work myself, and the trades i do employ aren't VAT registered anyway. The 0% VAT incentive of going new build wouldn't have been quite as much as a game changer as i thought it might be.   I


LiamJones in Planning

Strip out

The strip out continued through the months of July and August.   The old shed coming down   Loft insulation out (the itchiest job known to man) Cielings down   Conservatory down   Floors up     Loading up the skip with non burnable stuff.     And burning the rest   The old garage briefly   before being sold, dismantled and collected


LiamJones in Demolition


We picked up the keys to the bungalow on 27th June 2023 after a 6 month sale of the our previous family home, a 3 bed semi reovation we completed back in 2019.   It's a 1930s, 3 bed detatched bungalow in Norfolk, set on a plot about 800m2. It had been empty for just over a year whilst a probate of a probate went through.   We already had planning in about 2 weeks prior to completing to get the ball rolling (hence the blue planning notice on the fence!)    


LiamJones in Demolition

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