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Which is best?


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Hi guys


I'm looking at 2 solar panel suppliers and wondering what the general consensus is on which is better.  More lower power panels or less higher power panels.


So the option is 14 or 16 panels. 


I think they are 250w and 280w respectively but not 100% sure. 


Obviously they both think theirs are the best and the others are dort!






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When I did mine in January, 250wP were the cheapest.


If I were going for a 4kwP installation and had no limitations on area, that could be the determining factor.


However, I think that manufacture, warranty, reputation, deal etc might be equally important.


I didn't go for the cheapest panels, and was given a couple of spare panels and inverters (OK - solaredges in my case) for free on asking to clinch the order - for a larger 35 panel install.. At the point you are placing the order they may oblige.Perhaps ask for one of each?



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I'm limited to a 4kw system.  The electricity board in NI dont like bigger systems and even if you just wanted to increase up to a 6kw system you would have to pay for a full commercial feasibility study (Or so our NIE guy told us)  he said it would never be financially viable unless you were going for a full commercial venture.


We have loads of roof space so its a real pity.


Not sure if i could get an extra off-grid system down the line?  As i will be using an immersun type device i don't think there should be any issue as i wont be exporting to the grid.

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I used to work for a PV installer.  I really could not see the difference in modules, except for looks i.e. all black, no silver.

Apart from damage, I have also not heard of a module failing.  So discard the sales hype, go for the cheapest.


This is also true from the different 'chemistries', there may well be a marginal improvement at certain light levels, but like a Porche on the M25, it is rare that you actually benefit from it.  No matter the size, performance or price of a module, it will generate very little when it is a dark winters day.

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