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Emigre from ebuild


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With the sad demise of that truly amazing resource eBuild I've been suffering withdrawal symptoms. I have to say that all along the way I've learned more from the eBuild forum than from the various books I've been reading on our self build journey! Hopefully this forum will build to similar. 


Anyway, we are building in Northumberland National Park  (if you think you have difficulty with planning in "normal" areas under local authority control... those of us building in National Parks envy you! -  I've told the stories on eBuild so won't repeat here, but if I say that the planning decision time limits are just completely ignored and a £200 charge for the "right" to pass on your home to your child when you die without them having to go to court at that time to fight the planning conditions preventing it, are just some of the exciting features, you might get just part of the flavour ).


So, we are building in SIPs with a real stone outer, and aiming at passiv levels, though not going for the certification. We also need for financial reasons to do a significant amount of the work ourselves. so far we are a year behind schedule with not so much as a turf turned over on the plot! - Again down to conditions from our National park planners, meaning I can't even put a track in without a bloody archaeologist present (even though an actual proper archaeolgical dig on the site a few years ago showed there is absolutely nothing on the site - but hey, so what, it's other peoples  money they get to waste after all) and the Park allowing themselves up to 3 months (90 days) just to reply to say if they agree to you using a named archeologist!  But I am expecting the final plans for BC in the next 2 days so at least we can be doing something again. So I'd sum up by saying it's a fascinating process (the actual building planning etc), but the exercise/abuse of power for it's own sake in some of the people you have to deal with is truly frustrating.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of familiar members here, so you are not alone any more.


Try searching the sites for "newts" if you want to find out about people wasting your money and delaying your build.

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