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Forming shower niche - after installing backer board

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My other half is seemingly changing her mind about a shower niche after she was adamant she didn't want one!! Annoyingly the studs have backer board on with screw heads and joints sealed etc and in fact one board that part cover a possible niche location is now impossible to remove.


I could easily multitool an opening having said all this but what is needed after that? Can I build out the internal frame needed through a window cut in the backer board? thanks

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Open the window for the niche.

Measure and cut four pieces of stud timber (same width & depth as already used in that wall)

Pop each short stud through the window and screw hold with screws through the backer board. TIP: put a screw in each short stud to hold onto while putting the final screws in. Ask the other half for help on this seeing as they changed their mind!! 🙂

Put backer board in to create final niche size.



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No probs at all cutting out for a niche.


Consider your niche vs tile size carefully so as to end on a grout line, consider how the trims will sit etc.






Oh, and use a tile spacing / levelling system, wish I had 😡

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