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Are air bricks supposed to be left like this?

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My builder tells me he's finished (up to DPC).  All my ABs look like this.  Is this OK?  I envisaged the flange on the periscope would fit around the brick & there'd be mortar in the perps to hold everything in place.  The periscope can't be pushed any further towards the air brick because there's mortar in the way.


40pc AIR BRICK from above 2412 081224 SS 013.jpg

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Thought so.  Thanks @Russell griffiths, & if anybody else would like to agree (or disagree), it would be good to be able to tell my builder (former builder), "I've shown this to 3 people who know about this and..."


Sorry: I posted this picture in my other thread from this evening. It should have gone here, really.


Will it be OK to build the inner leaf up off this block that's been bedded down at an angle on the edge of the B&B?


& is it OK to have these two blocks on top of the periscope like this?  I'm guessing the builder is supposed to have put an air brick under here, to take the weight, but I'm wondering whether I should smash one of these blocks off to check that these blocks are not just resting on the periscope.  There's a very heavy wall going on top of this.  Even if there is an air brick in there, is that enough?  I'd have thought air bricks might need a lintel over them on the inner leaf.

40pc uneven edge block at AB 2412 081224 SS 058.jpg

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You have clay air bricks and plastic telescopes. They just don’t go together. I mortar all around the telescope and the top gap gets covered with 4 inch damp or cavity tray before next courses are laid.

telescope should have been a course lower under the floor and a concrete lintel laid over the top then floor block onto that.

I’ve just looked at some of your other pictures and although it’s a bit sloppy in places, you will see none of it when it’s done. Yes it could have been rubbed up on the back better, perps could have been better but you probably only see top 2 course after you have landscaped. It’s a few mm up and down too but as long as the building is the right measurement and square.

I wouldn’t be happy if I had done this for someone but I would move on from it. 




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