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Insulation Partial cavity fill do you still use cavity trays.

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Hi all , I am struggling to find the information regarding partial fill Recticel  Eurowall + plus 90mm interlocking insulation. Are you still supposed to fit cavity trays over air brick vents etc if so how do you pass the dpc through the interlocking insulation any ideas anyone ? I’ve checked their installation guide I can’t find any info .

thanks for you help Jeff 

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warranty provider will want it built NHBC compliant which means trays.


If you have in writing from recticel that its ok not to use them and they will fully warranty your structure for damp then fair enough.

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There are lots of products where they only emphasise the positives and ignore the difficult details.  I have used full fill rigid insulation with beam and block and did not bother with cavity trays above air bricks.  There is loads of room under the suspended floor for any water to go.  Trays above lintels are no issue so get fitted as usual.

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Thanks for the replies tge insulation we are using is Recticel eurowall + and as posted above there installation guide mentions cavity trays but there is no detail on the installation. Any more ideas anyone.

thanks again 

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