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Self Build in progress - North Wiltshire


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Hi, I wrote an introduction post on here back in 2021 and shared some floorplans for our planned new build in North Wiltshire. As it's been a while, I thought I'd re-introduce myself and do an update post.


In early 2023 we broke ground. Since then we built the insulated raft foundation (Greenraft) and the ground floor walls in Polarwall ICF. It's slow going as I'm doing almost all the work myself.


We've had a fair few issues, the biggest were our first wall supplier (Isotex) going bust after we’d paid them, and I had to fire our combined engineer/architectural technicians (probably worth a post in itself – but long story short, I can't recommend Build Collective).


I’m hoping to ask around the forums for some help/advice on a few things in the coming weeks. In the meantime, enjoy some progress photos!


The dig and backfilling, with roller.





Sand layer with insulated drainage pop-ups




Greenraft insulation for insulated slab foundation. 200mm insulation and 300mm concrete slab



Mesh, rebar and underfloor heating



Concrete pour



And today, with ground floor walls up - ready for the pour


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20 hours ago, Omnibuswoman said:

Well done knobbly! Interesting to hear what you have done. We used Build Collective for SE plans, so are interested in your experience! 

Thanks Omnibuswoman.


I'd have to write an essay to completely describe my negative experience with Build Collective.  

How was your experience?

Edited by knobblycats
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