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  1. Appears to be niche. Which is appealing to me. Everyone on the Luxone train perhaps?
  2. Yes indeed. Dirty big carbon filter on our intake to avoid others pollution.
  3. Hello BH, Any experience of Velbus Automation? https://velbus.co.uk/ It seems like an easy system to understand and use for BH types - With lots of info in how it all works: https://www.velbus.co.uk/dl/training/posters/EN_Velbus_poster01.pdf https://velbus.co.uk/downloads/ Good tutorials on youtube too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCHw8A4D87YCm8H8JtsDbaH5waD4pEQls Would welcome thoughts and especially any direct experience.
  4. https://www.daemmstoffhandel.de/Shop_neu/gx2/en/-99-170.html
  5. German supplier that others here day ship to UK: https://baunativ-shop.de/pro-clima-INTELLO-PLUS-150-m-breit-75-m
  6. Paul sell the Zehnder ComfoPipe Plus insulated (43mm) EPP ducting. It has 2.6x the insulation thickness and a better (lower thermal conductivity value) and is 2.5x the cost. Your choice!
  7. Everyone has their favourite I'm sure. Batch treatment plants are general smaller than matrix but use less power than a traditional treatment plant. https://www.owlshall.co.uk/app/uploads/2022/10/Solido-Smart-Brochure.pdf https://www.owlshall.co.uk/sewage-treatment/sewage-treatment-plants/1-4-bedroom/premier-tech-rewatec-solido-smart-2-8-person/
  8. Passivhaus is as much for warm climate as it is cold. Cooling demand is in PHPP. As above. Recirculation of cooling air required to make any difference. Unlikely to work using the MVHR input with low flow rates - Unless you have a very well designed (i.e. certified) PH.
  9. Sounds interesting, any schematics so I can fully understand your setup please? Just worried, given what @Nickfromwales has said before that a 22mm pipe will mean it'll take a long time to get HW at the tap as there is a large volume of cold to expel? (hence for the taps only: 10mm ring main - based on this suggestion)(further, 10mm chosen as I'm wanting to keep HW losses to a minimum, as there is a low volume of "wasted" water in the ring main).
  10. 32mm and 28mm was simply to preserve water pressure? Maybe I can simplify to 22mm once inside - and only have to buy one size of pipe! 15mm to bath/shower and 10mm to toilet - will the smaller toilet supply pipe help avoid any hot shower moments if the toilet is flushed? (even though the shower will be pressure balancing of course) This would free up space in the plant room and reduce the amount of pipe required. Will need to make the wet-room manifolds accessible. Had meant to add that. thanks. Honestly not sure what a "Cold outlet on the UVC inlet group" is. But if a NRV on the HW outlet fixes this, I'll add it. Thanks!
  11. Given the advice here, maybe a split HW manifold and HW return system is best? Any obvious errors?
  12. https://forum.buildhub.org.uk/topic/35099-streetfield-suds-system/?do=findComment&comment=513546
  13. We're going to use blown wood fibre. List of all the insulation distributers below. Some of whom install too. STEICO_uk_distributor_map_construction_insulation_en_i(1).pdf
  14. Thank you. That's much better than I was expecting.
  15. what did they quote for TM59 please? cant see anything on their website.
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