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Hi folks, I have a problem with a SAMSUNG GEN6 Controller. The Cylinder was provided by JOULE (UK) with a SAMSUNG GEN 6 Control. There are 2 WILO pumps connected for flow/return to the external 12kw unit. Once the rad heating is finished, for approx 20 - 30 secs, it sound like a jet is about to take off. The noise increases from what I can only imagine is the pumps before clicking then turns off. I have used the NEST controller, increased the temp to bring on the rad heating, then turned it back down. Every time the rad heat turns off - the pump noise increases again for about half a minute before turning off. I phoned the supplier technical, sent them a video and they have never heard of this - just wondering if anyone here has. The guy did say, it might be sending a blast of liquid through to the external unit for the heat exchanger - I can't understand for what though. Many thanks

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2 hours ago, dpmiller said:

might be a zone valve closing down and obstructing the flow, prior to the pump turning off. An auto bypass valve would help here?

Thanks for your reply. Don't think there are any zone valves on the system. I understand this machine uses actuators instead of a 3 port valve, the Tech guy from Joule told me whatever state the machine shuts down, it stays like that, ie, no default setting. So if the rad heating closes down, it stays on that setting, it doesn't change for domestic hot water until that's required. It's a strange one

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7 hours ago, Andehh said:

Can you post the video here? I have a gen6 from joules, and I also get a whooshing sort if noise at the heating programme terminates, but I think I have a bypass loop.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I put the video online, using my own website as the host. There's a problem with the video - but the sound is there. This was captured at a distance of approx 1000mm using a phone camera. The sound in the video has already increased considerably by the time I started filming it. Link is www.glenhaultin.co.uk/noise.mp4

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Can you take a photo of the flow and return pump settings and the set up of the valves and label what they do.


It makes a noise but not easy to diagnose without having a basis to diagnose against. Information is is good.

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7 hours ago, JohnMo said:

Can you take a photo of the flow and return pump settings and the set up of the valves and label what they do.


It makes a noise but not easy to diagnose without having a basis to diagnose against. Information is is good.

Thank you for your reply. I have got photographs of the 2 pumps, the flow and the return. I thought the settings were on CONSTANT SPEED and the correct CURVE (III). The noise is definitely from the Pumps speed increasing - this happens when the thermostat temperature has been reached and the heating is turning off. The noise of the pumps doubles as the speed increases. Can this be from an external (SAMSUNG GEN6 Controller) sending another signal to the pumps? I went through some of the settings, the installer obviously didn't. I only have heating, no AIRCON with the system - should my Controller be set to HEAT ONLY? The setting on the machine just now is HEAT & COOLING. I changed it to HEAT ONLY and activated the heating, then turned it off and the pumps still increased the speed/noise. Should I restart the Controller if I change that setting, if so, how? Another thing. Twice during the winter I ran out of Hot Water. I checked the machine and the setting for BACKUP HEAT was turned off. I have another property with a GSHP and the default setting for that is on (6kw), so I'm confused why I'd run out of Hot Water with the ASHP. Is that the correct setting for the electric water heater to help boost the hot water when it's very cold? Many Thanks



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8 hours ago, JohnMo said:

Can you take a photo of the flow and return pump settings and the set up of the valves and label what they do.


It makes a noise but not easy to diagnose without having a basis to diagnose against. Information is is good.

Sorry, forgot to mention, there are no other valves on my system other than what is included with the JOULE Pre Plumbed Cylinder. Thanks

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So some questions


You are using a Nest controller, how are radiators configured have they got TRV's on them? Do they all close down when Nest is finished heating or do they all stay open? What exactly does the Nest bits bring to the system and what do they control?


Do you have by pass valve in the system?


To me it sounds like the zone valves on the pre plumbed cylinder are closing (are they?)while the pump (or pumps) are still running.  So pumps are pumping against a closed valve.

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31 minutes ago, JohnMo said:

So some questions


You are using a Nest controller, how are radiators configured have they got TRV's on them? Do they all close down when Nest is finished heating or do they all stay open? What exactly does the Nest bits bring to the system and what do they control?


Do you have by pass valve in the system?


To me it sounds like the zone valves on the pre plumbed cylinder are closing (are they?)while the pump (or pumps) are still running.  So pumps are pumping against a closed valve.

Hi, I phoned JOULE, they told me the system uses actuators instead of a 3 way valve, and these stay in the last position when the system finishes whatever cycle it's on. I have just plain manual TRV's which are always open. The NEST only controls one zone on the controller, just 1 circuit on the heating system. The settings on the WILO-PARA circulation pumps are a bit confusing. The pumps can be set as 'constant' or 'variable' speeds. They are set at 'constant' speed but the speed definitely increases just before the heating turns off. It's very strange. 

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3 hours ago, dpmiller said:

take a photo of the tank for us plz

and here's a video of the system running. Say the temp in the house is 23, I increase the temp on the NEST up to 24 to bring the system on, then lower it to say, 21, to turn it off, the bigger the difference between the required temp (in this case 21 on the NEST Controller), the actual temp in the house (in this case 23) - the longer the increase in speed/noise occurs in the pumps. That's why I'm wondering if the SAMSUNG GEN 6 setting for 'INDOOR ZONE' should be 'HEAT ONLY' instead of 'HEAT & COOL'. I tried using the 'HEAT ONLY' but I didn't restart the Controller, it behaved in the same way. There is only 1 zone in the house, all radiator valves are manual and open. JOULE (UK) told me there are actuators instead of of a 3-way valve and the actuators stay in the final position of what was last running (DHW/RAD). The Tech at JOULE wasn't sure if the pumps were cycling for something to do with the Heat Exchanger in the External Unit. Link to video where the pump speed and noise increases for a longer time where there was a bigger difference between required Heat (21) and actual temp (23) https://www.glenhaultin.co.uk/off-and-on.mp4

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Does it make the same noise for DHW? Just turned my DHW off and after several seconds I hear the sound of actuators then it just shut off, no noise like yours.


However I THINK I hear a similar noise to you when I shut off the heating, via UFH, but only for 30 seconds or so. I presume it's the system shutting the UFH Actuators off, sealing off flow, so the water is forced past the bypass until ASHP shuts down? I'm guessing... But will investigate when in gone and the heating is on next week.



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8 minutes ago, Andehh said:

Does it make the same noise for DHW? Just turned my DHW off and after several seconds I hear the sound of actuators then it just shut off, no noise like yours.


However I THINK I hear a similar noise to you when I shut off the heating, via UFH, but only for 30 seconds or so. I presume it's the system shutting the UFH Actuators off, sealing off flow, so the water is forced past the bypass until ASHP shuts down? I'm guessing... But will investigate when in gone and the heating is on next week.



Hi, thanks for your reply. I haven't heard it act the same way when the DHW cycle is on, will check this out though when I can. Usually it happens on the Rad Heating, and usually for about half a minute. It only does it for extended periods of time if there is a greater difference between the required temp from NEST (21) and the actual temp of the house (23). I don't have a 'cooling unit' with my system - should the 'indoor zone' on the controller be on 'cool & heat' or 'heat only'? My installer left the system on the 'cool & heat' setting. I think the installer just left everything on the default settings, back up heat is switched off and twice throughout the winter, I ran out of hot water. Should I have the back-up heat on? Many Thanks!

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Yeah, when our heating shuts off it makes a similar noise, and probably last for 30 seconds or so then abruptly stops! DHW doesn't make the noise.


Have to admit it took me a couple of months of getting used to the noises and quirks or ASHP operation... But after 6 months it's working well, doing its thing and even a week of minus several degrees it did its job well!

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Possibly the pump stops and starts on the valve microswitch? so pump doesn't stop until valve is fully closed. You could just be hearing the high velocity water going through an ever smaller opening in the valve?

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