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I have been lurking on here for quite a while but not got involved.


Just a update our on VAT reclaim and our time frame. 


We knocked down previous bungalow and started our new build in July 2019, we moved in in June 2021. The house was not anywhere near finished but we had a kitchen and 1 ensuite.


We eventually managed to get building regulations sign off 1st June 2023 (we were worried about Hmrc and being lived in for 2 years).


VAT reclaim posted off on 21st August 2023 for about 21k,  had a confirmation text and letter on the 29th August confirming they have received it and should hear within 6 weeks. 


I received another text yesterday (1st September) while on holiday saying your DIY refund has been issued,  I thought it had been refused as it all sounded to quick. 


We got home today to find the package from Hmrc with a letter confirming that the full VAT reclaim will be paid 21k. I checked my bank account and it was paid yesterday. 


I can't believe it was less than 2 weeks with and 480 invoices and no deductions.


Even though I have not contributed the help in this forum has been very helpful


Thank you. 

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Hi @Conor 


I just filled in the move in date of 26th June 2021 and hoped for the best. We did not get the valuation letter until November 2021 so that was to late anyway, Fortunately they paid it all out. 


Also a picture of our house, it's still not finished. But getting there. 


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