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Full plans conditional approval. One for the SE’s


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Morning all.

I received my full plans BC approval yesterday from the LABC. They request a full site investigation.


I’m hoping to start work on site immediately after demolition on 15th May. My BCO officer is on leave all of next week and so is my SE so if I need a full site investigation I need to get on it. 


I have the results from a borehole that was taken about ten years ago in the middle of the site which will end up being in the middle of my plot.  I sent it to my SE and he suggested 1m deep foundations with a suspended floor. The existing house that shows no sign of any movement is on foundations that start 780 mm below ground level. 

I have emailed the BCO giving him the details of the borehole and explaining my wish to avoid another investigation.  I had a digger there yesterday so I dug a trial pit about 1.5 m long and down to 1050 mm below the GL of the new house. The ground looks very good and I have left the trench exposed if the BCO or SE want to look at it on their return. I have also exposed the foundations on the existing house. 

Do you think that the BCO will insist on a new investigation or will the info I have provided suffice ? I have invited him out to site to inspect. I am just trying to save some money and more importantly and delays while I wait for the holidaymakers to return. 

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10 minutes ago, Mr Punter said:

Just send BC and you SE the borehole test you have posted.

Yes I’ve done that and I hope that it’s accepted, but like I said they are both away for a week so I may just have to be patient. I’m not very patient though and trying to avoid another weeks delay. 

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