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Committee decision - attend or not?


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To add one further comment.


Assuming you have a longish term commitment to this site, is there the opportunity to change the facts on the ground to some degree?


For example can you plant a native woodland between your barn and viewpoints such as Public Footpaths or the road? Something like native trees surrounded by a temporary shelter belt of fast growing trees to be protection. So then in your scheme in N years time, you can argue that the property will not be very visible to the public.


I did a housing estate, which ended up going to appeal. One of our consultants was a "disturbing the view" consultant, who drove round the landscape taking photographs of our site and how much it would disturb the views from other locations.


"But what about my view" was one of the repeated objections, which can be shoehorned into "impact on amenity" if they try really hard.


We had a "political no" from the Committee voting down the support from the Officer, and at Appeal the Planning Inspector walked onto site including about the distant complaints, asked where they were coming from, stared into the distance and said "I can't see it", and that - in AA Milne style - was that.



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