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MVHR Inlet - Outlet vent Placement

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I am planning a DIY install to my 2000'ish box built house. I have managed to wok out (by lurking on the forum) where to place the valves, how many duct runs, size, flow, velocity, pressure drop and so on...


One of my initial design decisions was to place the MVHR external inlet/ outlet vents on the East side of my house as per diagram A at an elevation of 6m (loft install). The vents are placed on the opposite side of the house from the Gas Boiler Flue which is at an elevation of 2m - in my head this is the obvious and logical location as I have next to no chance of dragging in poisonous exhause fumes emiited from the flue.


However, after some thinking about prevailing wind and smoke smells from a neighbours log burner, I am now wondering if I should relocate the inlet/ outlet vents to the opposite side of the house (West), as per Diagram B and maintian the elevations as stated above.


Can I ask the forum is what I am proposing in Diagram B a real option or just a short cut to the hospital?





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I would look at your boiler manual, it will contain all the rules with respect flue placement and window opening and vents, etc and distances.  Use that guide to make sense of what you are proposing, to see if it works ok.



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JohnMo thanks for that advice. Have checked the boiler manaul seems that the flue can be positioned a minimum of 300mm away from an adjacent open window or vent - for the 'new' position of the MVHR vs the the flue it will be around 3 to 4 metres away, in theory all good to move.


That said I took the oppurtunity to simply watch what the disharge from the flue did this afternoon while having a brew and chat over the fence with a neighbour. When it was still the disharge wafted up the wall over the site where I would put one of the vents (likley intake) at the front of the house. When the wind picked up to its normal direction, it went diagonally up the house towards the back across the likley site of the other vent.... i could swap the vents over between inlet/ outlet but it seems im in a 50/50 scenario of where the discharge will go unless it comes from the north which it rarely does (and I am really concerened about noxious gases) ....urghmmmm


so decision made Plan A is the right answer, well for me at least, seems the least complicated option (and safest) - thanks for the input guys




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Had previously discounted this as an option due to access and being beyond my diy abilities (don’t like heights 😀)


But it does present an option,  I can always get a roofer in to fit the vents for me to connect to

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