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Application Form Declaration Question -

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Hi All


My neighbour has applied for planning application on his house to build a significant size double story extension which we fear my be turned into a HMO.


The plans were submitted in the process of them buying the property and actually turns out the plans were submitted between the date of exchange and date of completion.


On the application there is a declaration that must be signed which states that the applicant is the sole owner of the property for a minimum of 21 days.  This has been signed but we know that this is fact false.


My question is is this signed declaration meant to make the application lawful?  In falsifying information does this make the application void or unlawful?


The declaration is with reference to  Certificates under Article 14 - Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended).  Please see screen shot below.


Does anybody have any experience with this?  Is anybody able to provide advice on what i should do next?



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I think that Declaration is only to avoid them processing an application only to find the owner doesnt know about it and objects. 


There is a rather old book that's worth a read..  "How to Stop and Influence Planning Permission" by Roy Speer. The basic ideas will still apply but some details like deadlines may have changed.



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