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Hi Everyone 

I am new to this site today, looking to start a new build was wondering if anyone could give me any advice, i am really green!! 

Much Appreciated........many thanks 


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Hi and welcome to the forum.


That's a big question that needs to be broken down into smaller questions. Do you have any land yet? do you have any idea what you want?  Tell us where you are and what your goals are.

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Welcome Carl.


Could you provide some more info?  Do you have a plot (or house that you'll be demolishing).  If so, do you have plans/designs?  


[edited to add: ha! cross posted with @ProDave]

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Hey Jack/Dave 

Thanks both for the replies.......I have two properties that i am selling which should give me around £120k after fees, then i would like to buy some land in the Cheshire area with planning permission for a single dwelling, just wondering what would be the best way forward basically where do I start?

Many Thanks Carl 


"How to find and buy a building plot" by Roy Speer. Try for latest edition. Beware planning rules change with time.


Just because a plot has planning permission that doesn't mean the approved house can actually be built. There can be a lot of other things that stop you. These have to be checked before you buy. Not all are show stoppers..


How long left to run on the planning permission?

Any planning conditions?

Any restrictive covenants in the deeds?

Any ransom strips or other access issues?

Does the approved house actually fit on the plot?

Are services available in the road? How far away?

Can you and are you allowed to connect another house to those services?

Any unwanted services across the plot? 11,000V line? High pressure gas main?

Ground conditions ok? Trees? Mine workings? Contamination?

Will soakaways work?


Solicitors usually know what to check when conveyancing a house but most don't know what extra things need to be checked when buying a building plot.

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