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Vaillant Gas boiler help


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Does anyone have any experience with fixing Vaillant Gas boilers?

I think the power cuts from the storm might have messed up my boiler today.

The light is on but the LCD screen, which normally displays the temperature is blank and the three lights beneath the screen are not lit up.

I have tried turning it off and on again, and I have checked the fuses inside the boiler they are good. So out of ideas now if anyone can offer some more pointers



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Isolate the electric supply and check all cable connections. Pull connectors off and push back on ( carefully and slowly ) a couple of times, and retry. After that you’re on the web for a PCB I’m afraid.

Judging by the age of the boiler, you were probably on borrowed time with the PCB anyhoo  ;) 

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Thanks for the pointers still cannot get the lcd to display anything or the boiler to fire. It looks like it was installed in 2002 so it had a good run!

I'll call the gas people in the morning, typical that these things happen on a friday night, good job I have a wood burner, and luckily this isn't my house so I don't have to foot the bill!

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