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Expansion joint locations

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There are no expansion joints marked on any of our drawings, the builder has finished the base course and is finishing the cavity fill this weekend ready to get onto the walls next week and needs to no where the expansion joints are to be.


 I phoned the architect to ask and he said it would be the structural engineer that dictated the locations and he is on holiday. Is there a rule book to follow so I can figure out the locations or is “every job different” as the builder says?

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10 minutes ago, Moonshine said:

You can only get the location of these from the SE, dont even try to guess or determine them yourself.

When is your SE back? I find it very odd that no movement joints are on the drawings.

Has your SE got a mobile / email you can use even to confirm there are none.

Definitely none on any of the drawings, on the building warrant it just states “expansion joints as required” SE is abroad for 2 weeks, I have emailed him but don’t hold out much hope of a reply till he gets back. The house is 20m x 10m so will definitely need a few joints. Really don’t want to have to delay the bricky 

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16 minutes ago, James94 said:


the impression  I got was he knows exactly where he would put them but doesn’t want to be responsible for it if building control comes along afterwards picking fault. I think I will ask him to mark them on a drawing and I will email it to the building control office and ask them to confirm they are happy with there locations 

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On 31/08/2023 at 21:17, MarkW1979 said:

Hi Barry,


Maybe we have the same Structural Engineer. I'm in a similar position - exactly the same wording on approved building warrant plans - how did you get on with your approach?






We ended up just going with where the brickey recommended, building control never looked twice at them when he was out. He did check we had weep vents in all needed locations. Think as long as you don't go over the max distances in the guidelines you be fine.

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