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Scaffold Tower or Cuplock Type Scaffold


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We are going to have various jobs that need height access but really don't warrant a scaffold contractor. All these jobs will largely be 'me, myself and I' thus I'm not too concerned about the issue of insurance etc (Although I can easily obtain a low cost PASMA certification).

Mu initial thought was to buy a good quality wide aluminium tower but now I'm wondering if a basic set of cuplock/Kwikstage scafold might be a better option? 

Either way re-sale values seem to be fairly strong so I'm not going to lose much and certainly save on hire costs.

Any thoughts on the best way to go? Pro's and Cons? 

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I bought a load of Kwikstage for my build. It was certainly a good move, it's been in use for about a year and has proved to be a lot cheaper than hiring would have been.

It will only be a few weeks now before I sell some of mine. I will be selling half of it and then the other half I will keep for the foreseable future so if I have any maintenance jobs I will have enough to scaffold one wall of the house at a time.

Kwikstage is easy to put up. It's really a 2 man job but I did put a load up single handed though that was harder work.  I have also used some borrowed cuplock. Although a completely different system, there's not much to choose between them so I would go for whatever is available.

I bpught mine from ebay, but it's often for sale on gumtree etc.

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42 minutes ago, reddal said:

We bought one of these http://www.scaffold-tower.co.uk/Scaffold_Towers/double_width_2.5m_8x4/platform_height_4_2m.php

We originally planned to sell it afterwards - but its been too useful. It gets used for all kinds of maintenance jobs etc.


For that price you could buy my run of Kwikstage that will do 5 bays (12 metres)  at a working height up to about 4.5 metres or various other confugurations.

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12 hours ago, ProDave said:

Kwikstage is easy to put up. It's really a 2 man job but I did put a load up single handed though that was harder work. 

That's for the replies guys. 

Dave, is it a two man job because of the weight of the stuff or just that is easier to locate/position each peice if there is someone at each end?

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It's a 2 man job really because to get started, one person needs to hold an upright in place while the second operson attaches the next upright to it with a transom or ledger. It's not until you have 3 uprights joined together that it is self standing. Once you get to a basic section of 4 uprights self standing, then one person can build it up from there.

I have cheated in the past by starting in a corner leaning the upright against something to get started single handed but it's a bit of a faff.

Also once you get abover ther first lift is is a LOT easier with 2 people to pass the bits up

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