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Brick slips, 62 mm gap at the end …

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My architect is designing my brick slips elevations. Note: they are slips not full bricks and they will come from by Eurobrick if that is relevant.


See the 62mm gap at the end, what to do about it? Do I …

  1. Re-design the timber frame?
  2. Absorb 62mm into the mortar joints between the slips?
  3. Cut the slips?
  4. Something else?


I have zero experience of brick-laying or slips. What do you all think?

Now is the time to make any design changes, if needed.



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Unless you are using a system that means the perps are set you will easily get this to work by slightly opening or closing up the slips.  As it is shown, there are some small cuts at the end that look a bit crappy.  Do these return round a corner?

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Thanks @Mr Punter


… slightly opening or closing up the slips …

That sounds do-able I think, thanks.


Do these return round a corner 

Good question. The rear face of the building (around that corner) transitions immediately in to Cedral click cladding*. I am not sure how to make the transition from bricks to cladding look good. So don't know …

  1. Return around the corner with a pistol corner slip, and then transition to cladding with some sort of profile?
  2. Corner end aluminium profile?
  3. Something else?

* I will never see that side around the corner, only the neighbours will, which is why I went for cladding rather than slips: to save money.


Edited by Dreadnaught
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Would it be easy to bend this this aluminium profile by a few degrees?

I have an external corner in my façade where there return is not 90º but about 105º.

I'd be good to use this profile after a bit of bending.

Thickness 1mm, length 3m, link.


Would it be easy-peasy?  Or end up looking rubbish?



Edited by Dreadnaught
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