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Don't you just hate it when...


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...you get all the corner blocks bedded in, double check the measurements at the end and find the last diagonal (and only the last diagonal) is short by 10mm?


Grrr. That's an afternoon I won't get back.

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Yes. I hated it. 

The difference between us is that I noticed that level of error- and worse - much too late.

And sacked the builder far later than I should. 


C19 means that tomorrow, Salamander Cottage is hosting a meeting of tradespeople to do our wetroom.  (Ill wind that blows nobody any good) 

Boy oh boy am I going to be on top of every level , plumb line,  fitting, grout line, door jamb, cost heading, H&S issue. 


University of Hard Nocks is a good teacher.


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I did the original survey at ground level and all was good to 3mm when the 1st course of blocks went down. The error has most likely crept in from the beam and block floor - made to nearest 25mm if you are lucky...


It is all manageable, just a lot of messing around I didn't want to do swwing as i am the builder until who knows when... (can I sack myself? ?

Going to chase perfection again tomorrow.

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I found out tonight that my daughter has named all the corners of the house. Presumably this is like a racing circuit, so she can commentate about where I am rushing to with my tape measure.

We have Datum, Garage, Hammer, Digger, GRRR and Cursed. The last probably because I moaned about it never being right.


The largest error is now 4mm (and this is within measurement error given the length) so happy days.


A bit of trig indicates my corner angles are:


cursed corner       89.992deg
garage corner       90.004deg
digger corner        89.964deg
GRRR  corner        89.962deg
Hammer corner    90.058deg
datum corner        90.026deg 


Of course, this assumes I have measured correctly to the accuracy of my class 1 tape.

Edited by dnb
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