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Beer Bellied ICF wall

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I just put up my ground floor walls, and there's a bit of a belly on one of the walls, where a T wall ran up to it, there was Bracing on one end of it, but not the outside

I have since found a solution, but my builder just said 'you learn something new every day'.  :( please see below where the T wall pushed out the exterior wall

If anyone can learn, from this, it will be good, the solution is below.

Can someone answer who is in the know, Is 15-20mm bow in a wall a SERIOUS problem or not? please I need to know, as the Engineer from the company is coming next Monday, and of course he's going to downplay this..

I'm no expert on this stuff, but it looks like a total cock up on their part.






Here is a picture of it










SHOULD HAVE braced, through the wall with Bullwire like this, and use ratchets to tighten it up









What do you think about these heads, bare in mind, the last piece directly above the opening is not block, just a piece of board to match the block, (has not internal bracing)












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I have a couple of these, both on T walls, just sand the bow out using an esp rasp, no need for the engineer nothing is compromised, in Fact you will have thicker concrete In that area. 


Not very keen on your solution, don’t like the thought of something passing from the outer skin to the inner. 

We just inserted a length of rebar across the T junctions and cable tied it in place on the inside of the blocks. 


Well done for sharing if it saves somebody else the grief ??


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Thanks Russel, I've no experience with this, just as it all unfolds in front of me :( panic attacks every 5 minutes. (your calm reply is helping :) )

It would just be a single length of bullwire, that passes through the insulation and then snipped off when finished, I can't imagine that being much of a thermal bridge, The lads are putting on the floor next week, and I'm going to be all over this from now on. Here's a shot I got from the manufacturer where they braced some of the side wall, for the floor pour. hanging the wire off the internal rebar.






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I’ve seen some really poor ICF buildings 

Yours looks a really nice job

Sure you can always add a few more braces I wouldn’t worry looks like your contractor knows what he’s doing 

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Hi lads, the first few pictures are off my house In Dublin, which is where all the mayhem is, don't confuse that with the later pictures of wiring examples,  that is being done by the manufacturers down in Kerry, Ireland.

No wiring job on my site unfortunately.


I was pissed, all the heads on mine were not braced, will not happen on the next level for sure 

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