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Building Regulations Approval


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I am looking to buy a new property but with the exception that the garage can be converted into a living space with an en suite. I have sent a request to my council for the building regulations approval but the timing of a reply is 5-8 weeks. I don’t really want to lose the property but am unwilling to commit because of the conversion concern. How likely is it that my request will be approved? What are the contributing factors to a disapproval if one was to occur? 
The garage is attached to the side of the property with no conflicting issues with the neighbouring property. 
Any advice or assurances you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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4 hours ago, Oz07 said:

Building regs wouldn't refuse you permission as such. Planning may be a different matter. Do you have alternative off road parking?

There is a drive way currently housing one vehicle. But with a bit of gravel over the grass could accommodate 2 maybe 3. I wander if image comes into play as no other property on the road have converted garages. Externally at least. 

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You may not need planning permission if it comes under permitted development so worth checking that out. If it’s a developer built house there is probably more chance of there being a covernant that either prevents it or requires permission to be sought from the developer. 



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There are two separate issues:


1) Planning Permission: This isn't normally required when converting a garage, unless you are converting it to a separate dwelling (eg one that can be "separately occupied" independently to the main house, or has its own address, or is rented out or sold off as a separate house). See...




If you need advice from the Planning Department you can try asking them but they may not  give it until you pay a fee for "pre-application advice".


2) Building Control Approval: This is essentially a certificate that confirms the work done meets the Building Regulations. You can't get one until the work is actually complete. There are two procedures that can be followed. a) "Full Plans Approval" involves getting the design approved first. or b) "Building Control notification" which involves doing the work and then having them inspect it. The risk with this approach is they may find something wrong that is costly to fix. Both require you to pay a fee before they will really speak to you.


So you may not need to contact the council at all but it depends if the garage will be separately occupied to the main house. If in doubt bask yourself... Could someone live in the garage without needing a key to the main house? If the garage is totally self contained it's possible planning permission could be required.



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