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Everything posted by OnlyAlan

  1. I had similar problems when I applied for PP alongside my existing house. One neighbour (we called him Mr NIMBY) assured us he would stop our PP in its tracks. He knocked doors and got up a 39 signature petition to stop us. Nine neighbours attended the LA planning meeting and five of them (including Mr NIMBY) spoke against our application, as did their 'pet' councillor. The chairman of the comittee must have been sick of repeatedly saying, 'That is not a planning matter'. The outcome was: one vote against and 27 supporting our planning application - so comfortably approved. (NIMBY - Not In My Back yard)
  2. Problem solved - was able to import the shapefile to Google Earth. Thanks for looking.
  3. I know there is a lot of knowledge amongst posters here. I hope someone can help me with my own lack of knowledge: I have located my LA’s list of maintained (adopted) roads. It is in a format I have never seen before but I have been able to transfer it into a spreadsheet. Each road is listed with 2 references. One is headed: Shape_STAr,N,19,11 and the other is headed Shape_STLe,N,19,11. I suspect that if I had the correct software these would show me the precise location and shape of the road in question. Unfortunately, there are two roads with the same description so I don’t know which one is the one beside my home. In my case the given information is as follows: Road 1 Shape_STAr,N,19,11 reference is: 75.70359802250 Shape_STLe,N,19,11 reference is: 37.50454297700. Road 2 Shape_STAr,N,19,11 reference is: 608.16575622600 Shape_STLe,N,19,11 reference is: 206.32219738100. Obviously, these road lists are not intended for public consumption – hence all the above rather than a simple Lat and Long for the location. Does anyone have the knowledge and/or software to give me precise locations for these two roads? A Lat & Long or a screen grab from a map would do me. . Many, many thanks. Alan
  4. Welcome Magnet, I am still a newbie here but I have already received much good advice (and I am also in the North East).
  5. My situation was like PeterW's above but I didn't inspect the internal course ascarefully as I might have. The result was a pile of beads of more than a cubic metre in my loft. Ah well, it adds to the loft insulation.
  6. On my last self-build I agreed a price per brick/block and paid them at the end of each week. Anything extra was negotiated at the time.
  7. My first self build plot was alongside an experienced self-builder. He looked after me and I learned from him. He was about two weeks in front of me. Recoveringbuilder is quite right - you need a great deal of committment. Any of your family members in the building trade - if so talk to them.
  8. Welcome Robert. Bricky eh? The way things are going "this time next year you could be a millionaire" ?
  9. I was told when I did the first one that it is addictive. True words indeed.?
  10. I am Alan from County Durham. Three self-builds behind me and still learning.
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