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mjc55 last won the day on May 30 2024

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  • About Me
    Bought a plot in North Dorset so that we could scratch a self-build itch that started over 30 years ago. We have been promising ourselves that we would do this for that long. Never been able to get ourselves in that position for one reason or another .

    We are in the very fortunate position of being retired, having enough capital and now owning a plot in North Dorset.

    Planning obtained! Should be able to start in the new year (2025) The plan is for a single-storey house. Flat (green) roof, Woodcrete, timber-clad and as eco as possible. Looking at passive but probably will not get certified.
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  1. Presumably cost wasn't an issue then?
  2. The point you seem to be missing is that I am not in any way saying that CIL (or some such) should not be levied. If the title of thread is confusing I would assume that the content would support that!
  3. Anyone used this of late. It looks good in terms of replacing other types of less environmentally friendly insulation but haven't got far enough to look at costs. There was an old thread from around 2019 saying that it needs to be much, much thicker (their emphasis), does this mean that it is much more expensive in the long run? That was pre-pandemic and presumably petrochemical type insulations have increased in price a lot since then. Thanks
  4. You are missing the point! I didn't say that the idea of CIL was incorrect it is the idea that if you do anything before paying then you are stuffed, that's what is wrong. The clue is in the title of the thread.
  5. The problem, obviously is that not everyone knows about CIL. Of course you could argue that they should but that is a different question really.
  6. The issue with it is that I just don't understand this idea of once you start you are liable! How does that make sense? It might be straightforward, and yes the people I have dealt with in Dorset have been really helpful, so it’s not the concept of CIL that I am talking about. It's not as if you would disappear from view once started, it is blindingly obvious when a new build commences. So I ask again, how does starting a build suddenly mean that you are liable for the CIL? If it's a self-build it's a self-build! I am exempt from CIL @nod so do not need to pay, but that doesn't negate the nonsense around starting and liability.
  7. Does this just work as a motion sensor camera? Is there a way of setting it up to do time-lapse? Edit: Just had a look at website and it can be set up to do the above. Another question though, what are the costs associated with the 4G connection, does it use much data?
  8. "Sorry, this page no longer exists" for that link! There are a number of options if you just search for safety glasses on toolstation.
  9. Interesting. I might try this approach with our local BC.
  10. Can you elucidate on what issues you had with SIPS. Could help others who are thinking of using this method.
  11. So received our CIL payment acknowledgement today, we are ready to break ground. This subject has come up numerous times on here and there are tales of those caught out by the totally nonsense rules around starting dates. Is it time maybe, as a group that is primarily concerned with all issues around self-build, that we start a campaign around the start date issue. Why is it so important to have everything in place for CIL before anything starts, there is no common sense to this, it seems purely a way of catching out unwary folk. It's not as if you can hide the fact that you are building, it's in plain sight, there are lots of things that flag up the fact that a build is to take place. Thoughts?
  12. Was watching an old GD (The Street) last night and the couple used cork insulation under the floor. They were building on a budget the assumption would be that it wouldn't be mega expensive! Just had a look to see prices and the first site I saw selling cork insulation was getting on for £100 per sq. m. (this was for 3 pieces at 300 x 500 x 1000). I would assume that price would come down a lot for bulk buying. Compare to £16 per sheet of celotex (2400 x 1200 x 50) - so around £5.55 per sq. m. - then the prices just don't compare. I haven't looked anywhere else so those prices may well be outliers, but it would still seem that cork is way, way more (too) expensive. Have things changed since 2017 (when the GD was filmed) or were they just so keen on "eco" insulation that they weren't concerned re the prices?
  13. Yes, will do that in the next few days.
  14. After what seems like an age (but is not compared to others on here) we have at last are formal planning approval! We had quite journey, some of which is detailed here. We were told by our planning consultant just before Christmas that it would be approved by the 10th but of course until it actually states "Application Approved" on the portal then of course nothing is guaranteed. We were on site today cutting the overgrown boundary to the rear when I got the call to say that it had been approved. So, just a bit to do over the next year or so! Onwards and Upwards.
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