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  1. MCS has to be the most corrupt unprofessional organisation to be introduced into the building industry ..
  2. surely you need to have the boiler on timer for 10mins an hour max , as this is all the ashp would run at max for as it goes through defrost mode twice an hour and only just reaches ia 35 degree high point twice for 5mins each time i that hour.. this is why radiators and old houese struggle .. whilst a great desiged house with Under floor , can just about maintain a half decent indoor 20-21 temp at those flow rates,, an old house one wth small small rads has zero chance .. IMO
  3. Thanks guys.. so the sensors were placed on my flow and return 28mm pipes dircety from teh heat pump. yes the system goes into a buffer .. we have a buffer installed as we also have a HW log burner connected into the buffer and HW tank , which can be used if we choose.. the flow to the underfloor out the buffer would only ever get to 40-45 max due to the loss .. i have the setting set to climatic curve off so heat temp point which is set at 55 .. we are not bothered with efficiency as we just need the max amount of heat into the floor in the 6hr overnight cheeap rate .. which is more than enough for our house needs it worked perfectly in last night 6hr stint , but temps were above 6 degrees .. will have to see if resetting everythinnext time temps drops has made a difference .. i have also checked all the stats .. i have also sent the chart to grant technical , but the do not understand either .. hence the reset
  4. just an up date before posting a new thread. ive completly factory reset the system and re programmed all the settings .. i wont be able to tell if if has made any changes until teh over noight temo drops to 6 or lower.. at which point i will report back under a thread . thank you all for your suggestions to date .. very much appreciated
  5. well thats certainly possible that when below 6 degrees it cant clear quick enough and thats the air point.. but.. yester day it was only -1 - +2 degrees when i re ran the system from 8 am hours ito middle of the day ish .. the unit sits in shade .. so wasnt getting any sun heat .. this is the graph . you can see the flow temop gets to just under 50 degree without the limit it gets at night .. its possible there was less humidity or it was more breezer in teh day when fired it up so the condenser air was being blown out a small bit more ?
  6. Here are the charts from last night .. between 12 & 5 am , these are from temperature probs on teh flow and return pipes just as in enters and leaves my plant room. the pipe work is about 5m in 28mm to the external wall and heat pump.
  7. thank you, that certainly is possibility .. its definately gettig iced up ... the defrost is set 1-05 is set at 6deg.. in installer mode this cannot be changed ? .. thank you!
  8. Thnaks you for teh reply , ..I did run it flat out as this system is only ran at 12am to 7am on cheap electric to charge up the floor for the day . so what im after is the most amount of heat my system can generate in that amount of time ..(cost is not a factor as its 6p kw ) , its possible that i shoud turn down the max temp.. whats really strange is that , i dont have this probem when it runs hot water for 1..5 hrs .. which is pretty ,much flat out .. .. ive not had issues with other brands as i mentioned so this is stumping me somewhat ..
  9. thanks id just like a photo of someones settings book .. i have issues with Grant ashp going into defrost mode every 20mins when 6 degrees or lower .. its the same pattern every time .. as soon as it gets beow 6 degrees , , this results on flow temp to the heating circuit never getting above 35d as it coninuously pulls heat from the buffer , just as it starts to get back up it repeats the defrost .. i dont have this probem on samsung or Nieebe..products ive use before so as a last attempt before I put this Grant one down to bad decision, skip it , and replace it with a known quantity , im going to change all settings as one last attempt and monitor to see if it makes a differrence to defrost . thanks
  10. hi all. i wonder if anyone could copy me their grant aerona 10kw or other kw settings page.. yes im aware that settings will differ bewtween properties, set up install .. but i would like to check a few settings i have ended up with to try and establish a problem i have or tio ptimise my system .. thank you
  11. yes sorry 9p.. yes just a strandard DD tarrif was on OVO swapped over within 1 week of applying and worked from the get go , no messing, no faf , had been trying to get on octopus flex for 6 months .. gave up then found BG worked out a better deal anyway .. IMO
  12. Some of thsoe Octopus tarriffs i struggle to make sense of ,, and gave up trying to get on their flex ine ... out of all of them we found british gas to be the most simple for us.. just works , just a straight .09p form 12-5 am 30p all other times , half price 15p on sundays.. export 15p kwh no fancy ev meters just use what you want.. when we need to import we buy 95% of electric requirements at .09p or 15p , this to charge our house batteries our bmw i3 ev car, and charge our floors with heat floors via ashp.. Only needed that Nov-dec. jan feb on consec cold days below 6 degree .. PV & batts covers all other months we run our enture 4000 sq ft house, energy /heat and our i3 ev car for less than £100 per year all in total.. and hoping to get that a new zero or negative cost through 2024 -
  13. have on of these in my 20m x 10m garage . works a treat self fitted in less than 3 hours.. super effective , heat in winter, air con in summer and dehumidifies at same time. https://www.appliancesdirect.co.uk/p/eiq-9wminv/electriq-eiq9wminv-air-conditioner?refsource=apadwords&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_id=18004559423&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwYiXqpmygwMVLSzUAR2EMAyGEAQYASABEgKrDfD_BwE
  14. Nially, it must be super frustrating that your loop has failed, in such short time . i woudl be livid ,, whilst I cannot add anythng for a news system, i am interetsted in teh loop install, im wondering if you have any pictures of open trenches ? IMO laying of pipes in trenches can be tricky to keep perfect loop and back filled all perfectly radiused .. im sure that if your pipes have failed then others must have or be about to .. is it not possible it could be a manufacture defect in the pipe make up.? we had a whole house fail in copper once with the copper pipe having defect pin holes.. the manufactures insurance picked up the entire refit.. what did teh manufacture recommend for the loop radius and what was installed ? there certainly doesnt seem to be many incidneces on teh internet of failed loops, and considering how little attention groundworkers pay to the the small details , if the loops were so super critical surely we would have more issues ? but if its installed not as manufactures details then surely the installer insurnce woudl pick up the costs.. or would you house insurance cover this even? I would be pretty worried if i had aground loop after reading your failure as i iamagine others would, .. FYI in our last house we had an ASHP that ws 6m away from house on garage wall , with buried flow and return pipes that were highly inulated.. so they dont have to go right on the house wall..
  15. its working well for us. i . i also have a log burner that is plumbed in to heat hot water or under floor.. everything is auto matic .. if we fire up the log burning it switches off the het pump once it reaches 50 degree flow temp out log boiler, (assuming we have ashp pump on and thermostats alling for heat.. .. a local company throws way sawdust briquetts , we bur these.. log burner gives 2kw to room and 7 kw to water.. i dont really need t heat the bathrooms just a hour or so every couple of days to keep floor so its nit ice cold.. in these rooms we use infr red heaters,, flick em on 5mins before you go for shower and turn off when you leave.. makes room super toastie and cost way ess than heating the floor to heat the room .. there are many other tricks you can do when deigning a new house , that allways gets just missed..
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