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  1. Will do! Currently just building it up on the test bench so will be a while until I can test it fully.
  2. Was fortunate timing for me as I was just in the process of ordering a dimmer from Mike, so ordered the relay too.
  3. Thanks all. I may not user cavity closers but instead use an airtight membrane to seal it with a j bead supporting the plasterboard. In which case i imagine that will be thin enough i don’t need to factor the membrane. I had looked at other suppliers that would do the measurement but the cost was considerably more so I decided that it was worth the saving to take that risk. I may use a professional company to take the measurements who would also be doing the install that the supplier recommended.
  4. I’m planning on using a supply only window supplier so I need to measure the openings myself. The openings are completed in my brick and block walls but how the cavities will be closed up has not yet been decided. My expectation is that I will use cavity closers. Can I measure the opening sizes now without any closers installed? I presume the difference they make is minimal?
  5. Interesting. I would have presumed you would do the whole thing. Does it make a difference what kind of internal wall it is? Say if it’s a cavity?
  6. I’m surprised this isn’t higher given the clips you have on instagram of your air tightness tape detailing. Not trying to be negative and is still very good, but the other figures you have are basically passive house level. Was this intentional?
  7. Thanks @Gus Potter Very useful. Plan for windows is triple glazed aluclad - so they will be quite heavy!
  8. thanks. Will ask my SE. I think it will be a lot of weight.
  9. I’m not sure how concrete lintels would work, can you get them made to the shape of the bay? my bay design doesn’t have the brick pillars that you sometimes see, which I guess you could then use normal straight lintels.
  10. I have 2 double height splayed bay windows that I will need to install 4 lintels. Wall construction is brick and block with 150mm cavity. Is there any suggestion on the best lintel to use? I see catnic and others can make a custom lintel to order with posts, but they seem quite expensive. There's a house being renovated on my street currently that has just used a steel plate cut to the shape, with no posts. Seems much simpler although I imagine is a significant thermal bridge.
  11. Thanks @MikeSharp01 & @Novice Becky. Seems like the quote I have is reasonable. Realised that it specifies mastic on the outside rather than compriband so need to change that. Anyone have any thoughts on whether the industrial cling film is necessary? It’s £800 which seems like a lot to me!
  12. Ah that’s a shame. Won’t do extensions either? I think we will end up with only 1 window being replaced in the old house then 14 in new openings in the extension.
  13. It’s an extension and renovation. So windows into new openings in the extension then a couple of replacement windows in the old building.
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