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Seeing through Fashion



This is a blog that I posted a while back on another forum that encourages people to look beyond prejudices fashion wth a view to  exploring a pre-owned house that on first glance does not meet up with expectations and even the list of wants.


A Peter Aldington House, near Doncaster, from 1967 (arguably one of the finest Post War Architects in the UK) recently changed hands. It was sold via a bold estate agent calling themselves "The Modern House" Plainly this doesn't mean a house that's been built in the last few years, but houses that that have some Architectural merit. I cannot post a link because the article was in Times (Paywall) by Jayne Dowle, who writes in the Yorkshire Post. I mention fashion in the opening paragraph because at first glance you might think, 'exposed breeze blocks, peeling bargge boards, and pine, that's a bit old and tired, but in fact it has a great plan and probably did not cost much to build.


Indeed the three daughters of the original and only owners, now in their forties, all have fond memories of growing up in the Tardis like house..."We grew up with such pride in our house, when I brought friends home, I would be watching their reaction. As children we were privileged to live there, the windows would be open, and we would be in and out of the garden and the house"


Peter Aldington himself said "My idea has always been contacting the inside with the outside" and "in this house, there is no wasted space, there is no wasted space, everything is connected".


A little group of his houses is also feature in 'The house in the 20th century' by Richard Weston (less than £3 inc P+P on ABE), and the gardens are open

 as part of the charity driven National Garden Scheme...Turn End Haddenham, Bucks .


So, look through and beyond the fashions of the 1960s and just absorb the rich use of space and light...all is still possible in your conversion or newbuild. 


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Re a pre owned house that does not meet expectations.


This has always been my philosophy.  When buying a house it is important to get the things you can't change correct, like location, access (meaning for off road parking etc) views etc.


Once you find the right location, it is of secondary importance if the house is right, because if it is not, you can change it.


No point buying the perfect house and then complaining there is no off road parking, no view, the garden faces north and never gets any sun, because you cannot change those things. 

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Good thinking Dave, and spot on. I did look round a house once for a friend and family...plenty of land, great view, but in the lee of a hill...on researching sun angles etc, it got no sun at all for 10 weeks.

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