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That'll do for 2023...



Properly chuffed with myself how far i've progressed this year, but its a good time to take a break i feel, before the last huge job of doing the new bathroom, hopefully next year.


Finished the external wall insulation off in the courtyard area, and got my new set of water butts all connected, should provide enough for the front garden and car washing (when i have the energy!) during a prolonged dry period. Just got the silicone to do on the corner and the join.





Probably the most important job was the lower parts of the roof, to ensure the insulation was all good, and to stop any mice from getting in, which has been an issue the last couple of years around this time. Took off 3 rows of tiles and pushed the 4th row up, which got me to the natural overlap of the second row of felt, allowing me to take off the old battens, and put a new layer of felt under the overlap and down to the bottom. Also replaced the end of the dry valley, with a correct formed end, tiles need a little tidy up at some point, but its watertight.





This was the mesh i used. It was then fully packed with insulation and overlayed with some ventilation trays which i didn't take a photo of.





And the front was even worse, including the weather, of course it decided to pour it down the second i had the old felt off. Front existing felt was in very bad condition, and one of the battens appears to be fire damaged, no idea how








The valley needs repointing, still on my to-do list.



And a small indulgment, a bit of colour for the driveway, also filled with spring bulbs so hopefully will remain colourful right through to next summer

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All those plants look very pretty in the 3rd from last photo.  Or are they the neighbours?  😁


It all looks great and I have enjoyed reading about your renovation - particularly as I shall proably be doing exactly the same to ours in a couple of years when parents no longer need it. 

We recently had a quote from a consultancy firm to help with planning an extension and a good quality renovation.  And while their costs were more than i'd hoped, they seemed to think we'd need around £200k to renovate to a high standard.  I'd budgeted half that!  We would never get that back on saved energy costs so we likely shall be doing it ourselves, using the information on here.  No doubt I will be picking your brains for some of it. 

Thanks for all the information and ideas that i hope to use.  🙂

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They are indeed my plants, I’m quite a keen gardener though been a little too preoccupied with the renovations to take proper care over it, maybe this year ☺️


Wow yeah £200k does sound a lot, I know things are super expensive (managed to spend £52 on some screws, a bath trap and some penny washers somehow today 😳) and of course it depends how big of a property it is, but I suspect there is some risk premium built into that price. Still a lot of these house renovations on telly seem to spend rediculous amounts on not a lot, I always think to myself, I just don’t think I could bring myself to spend that amount of money, but then I am from Yorkshire 😂


Always happy to help, and I’ll keep the blog updated with this years work, main job is new bathroom, followed by the snug and finishing the dining room, but I’ll see how far my body lets me get, bathroom is a must as I’ve been without a bath for around 4 years (plug is broken and stuck) and I’m looking forward to a good soak! 

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