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About this blog

We started. In fact it was mid February so I have some catching up. Planning took a few years....

First job was to move the PV from the big shed to the little shed then remove large shed. The large shed took a week because I had help with the right kit. It has a new home to go to. We will miss it as it was the party shed but we get a replacement dwelling, the Bungalow has to go.





Entries in this blog

Kitchen ceiling.

The kitchen has a 10.5 metre steel ridge which protrudes into the vaulted ceiling by 50cm. I also attached the ventilation 75mm pipework along the side of the steel to supply the living room at the opposite end. So a curved ceiling to run underneath the inside of the ridge. A simple explanation is imagining a skateboard halfpipe upside down. I built a frame out of ply with cutouts for batten to run the entire length of the ceiling. I then fitted a layer of 6mm red faced ply to create a curv




Seemed to spend most of the winter and spring fitting plasterboard.  At times I struggled to keep motivated. About 275 sheets later and still a bathroom and living room to board out even now. The plasterer did a great job, I have great admiration for the skill.      Did some drainage and fitted the Vortex treatment plant and rainwater harvesting tank aswell as the. mains supply to the house as the ASHP arrived ready to be plumbed in.   My dear Father bu



Progress, 2 years later.

In response to @Russell griffiths post about blogs, here goes. It is still 2018. I finished the Tata Colorcoat Urban roof, tricky around the Velux windows and fitting the ridge trying not to get sealant everywhere. No leaks 2 years later. Kwikstage very useful, heavy but a worthy purchase on a long self build.   I made up  one of the roof trusses for the garage and thats where it sat for another year.      Back inside and started to put down 150 Celotex



MVHR, OSB, windows and roofing starts.

6 month update. Started fitting ducting for the MVHR, my wall build is 3 layers, 140mm, 70mm and 50mm so the ducting fitted well (luck) within the walls. Just need to uncoil the 50m lengths and start dragging it through the build.     Then I added the final 50mm timber and insulation before I started the OSB. It took about 2 months to fit about 150 boards, the vapour barrier, double sided tape, airtight tape, it was quite a challenge especially the vaulted ceiling



House wrapped.

An update, spent Autumn fixing the Pavatherm 40mm Combi to all the external walls, about 240sqm and fitting membrane and battens. Then inside fitting Rockwool flexi 140mm in the walls and 70mm behind the rafters. Very easy to cut and minimal wastage. Another 150 rolls to arrive. Fixed timber horizontals to the walls for another 70mm insulation, planning on running the 75mm MVHR around the walls and roof once I have finished the internals walls before fitting another 200mm in the roof and 50mm on



External wall insulation.

Started external wall insulation, 240sqm in total to fix.  Its Pavatherm combi, 40mm. Fixed a 40mm (cut down from 50mm) batten on the outside edge of soleplate and rested boards on top and off you go. Takes a while to then fit dpm and horizontal battens which I now need to remove and fix vertical battens first......Nearly finished the house frame except the flat roof, Seems a little odd to start covering walls after so long, I need to contact window suppliers again for more accurate quotes.



Rafters done.

Monday and Tuesday were fine to measure, cut and fix 52 rafters. Next is to fit 75mm horizontals and fix Isoroof and membrane.  Just had quote from BPC for MVHR, is everyone happy with the kit supplied? Please PM if necessary. Thank you.    



Steel ridge beam.

This was last Monday and was quite a challenge for my Dad and I.  Steel was 10.5m in length spliced in the middle, about 400kg + the added timber ridge and needed to be 4.7m high sitting on two 100mm square posts.  Overall length was 15m.. The night before I realised one of the posts was 400mm to short. We carried on using some blocks until the post was replaced on Tuesday. Blocks visible in 2nd picture on top of post. Rented 2 x Genie lifts and away we go. Well, it took all



Framing continues..

A bit slow to update the blog, been busy making frames up to the first floor, Caberdek laid to make it all a bit easier to work off, second hand Kwikstage up and 2 x 6m glulams for the ridge. Rafters and counter battens on top for the 35mm Isoroof. Membrane on top. The weather has been great until today. Some photos enclosed.    



Trenches and blockwork.

Trenches filled and blockwork starts, about 1100 blocks to be laid. We spent a long time making sure the profiles were accurate, taking diagonal measurements across each rectangle. 



Shed gone and Groundworks begin.

A lot of material to remove even though the house follows the natural slope of the field, we dug an additional 2 metres out on each side to make building work easier. Its on 3 levels with a 200mm and 800mm difference.  Trenches dug, fortunately great soil conditions and was very dry back in March.  



Works start.

We started. In fact it was mid February so I have some catching up. Planning took a few years.... First job was to move the PV from the big shed to the little shed then remove large shed. The large shed took a week because I had help with the right kit. It has a new home to go to. We will miss it as it was the party shed but we get a replacement dwelling, the Bungalow has to go.  



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