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The Money Pit!


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I'm BACK! xD

Evening all, old and new. Greetings from Kent. I'm originally an apprenticed mechanical & production engineer by trade working in my day job on lifting and access equipment tending towards the electrical / plc side of things.

Proud owner of a large, detached money pit, you name it it needs doing or re-doing. Wish I'd found the old eBuild site sooner as I'd have done so much differently and saved a bundle of money to boot. Learnt a hell of a lot and hope to continuing doing so here!

And no, I've not finished the BATHROOM yet!


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12 minutes ago, Declan52 said:

What about the Capri or have you started another project to give you something to do over the summer.

They're both sitting safe & dry in the garage pretty much as you last saw them. An auto rotisserie / roll over jig is on the cards.

As for a Summer project after today's grass cutting and hedge trimming I keep coming back to a bio-gas generator.....plenty of horse manure available locally for a 50:50 "green/brown" feed stock. 

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