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I have an application in which there have been no planning notices and only one neighbor was informed  by letter. The application was advertised but both the letter to the neighbor and the advert were posted after the Parrish council met and supported the application.  Is this allowed ? is it not the Parrish councils role to represent the Parrish and for locals to be able to discuss applications with them before they meet and make divisions. ?


Despite lack of publicity there have been a number of  comments (objections)  posted but I would like this application to go to committee so  locals  can be properly heard.  What steps need to happen for this to be decided. 


Thanks in advance 


This sort of thing often happens over the Xmas period due to the requirement for a decision to be made over a limited amount of time. Sometimes applications submitted in December miss the last parish council planning meeting but need to be commented on before the main council planning meeting in January. In cases like this information is usually forwarded to parish councillors for opinions and the result forwarded to the main council.


I think the rules regarding notification to neighbours have been watered down over the years. Sadly the vast amount of objections people make are not valid planning reasons under the rules for planning permission to be denied.


The neighbour informed by letter was probably the one whose boundary was nearest the works to be carried out or would somehow be directly affected. If the neighbour was informed during the consultation period I think the requirement to allow people to make comments would have been fulfilled.


Planning is a minefield and is only equalled by building control.... 


You can talk to you local councillor as they are able to "call in" applications.  Parish councils don't normally have much authority and are consulted for comments only and do not make decisions on planning applications.

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