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Pinning render mesh


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Apologies in advance for the dumb question. I'm getting a wall rendered over existing and one of the people quoting suggested pinning render mesh to the existing render. Stupidly, I forgot to ask him what this meant so now I'm curious.

What pins are used and how are they applied?

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12 minutes ago, Mr Punter said:

Render mesh is normally added during rendering by pressing into the wet render.  If the existing render is remaining you may need a coat of Rend aid to give a key.

Thank you. So pinning literally is when they press it in to the 1st layer? Not a mechanical fixing?

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I'd do your first pass with a toothed trowel - 10mm for me- , 'float' the mesh on the ridges - just a light 'tack', then a further coat with a plain trowel which fills the troughs and, hopefully, hides the mesh. If the mesh 'ghosts' through apply a further thin coat.

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11 minutes ago, Redbeard said:

I'd do your first pass with a toothed trowel - 10mm for me- , 'float' the mesh on the ridges - just a light 'tack', then a further coat with a plain trowel which fills the troughs and, hopefully, hides the mesh. If the mesh 'ghosts' through apply a further thin coat.

Thanks, but this is just regular mesh in render. Question here was about pinning. Saw this on another forum which seems to suggest it's a mechanical thing if vibration is a concern but can't see this clarified anywhere



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OK, so ask the contractor who quoted for 'pinning' what he means by it, and what his justification is for  suggesting it and move on from there. @Mr Punter assumed it was the 'pink fabric mesh, and I followed as if it was. Does your contractor mean steel mesh, in which case we're talking about a different 'animal', and pinning may be relevant. Can't comment more till we know more.

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