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Difference between 'prior appproval' and 'planning permssion'?

Alan Ambrose

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I was just reading this bit here about PD addition of extra floors ('class AA'):




It talks about "Prior Approval of the Local Planning Authority on matters including external appearance and the potential impact of the extension on the amenity of neighbours (including overlooking and loss of daylight/sunlight)".


That sounds a lot like householder planning permission to me. Is there a difference?

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Ah, whereas the PA suggests adding one or two v similar floors to those existing and 'bumping the roof up' a storey or two? So, slightly less of a bar, but I guess the LPA could be equally as awkward if they didn't actually like the 2020 PD law much?


In this (somewhat speculative) case, I was thinking I would want to do EWI also to bump up the insulation, which would presumably need a full application.


Sounds like the PD law might be a useful fallback negotating point though to push a similar full application through?





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38 minutes ago, Alan Ambrose said:

>>> percentage uplifts


Sorry, I don'tunderstand the use of that phrase there. Poss to explain?


If you use the quote function instead of the Greater Than symbol, @DevilDamo will get a notification.


Anyway, I think it is just how much you increase the floor space.

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