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Tile back board strength


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I'm planning to build a level "deck" around my bath tub, so the tiles are at the same height as the edge of the bath or near as dammit. I'm not sure about using the foam expanded tile backer board horizontally, how strong is it? When I've done this sort of thing with ply I've been able to stand on it with no concerns at all.

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22 hours ago, Russell griffiths said:

Are you sure you want it level with the top. 
wouldn’t you drop the bath into a pre built surround so the bath sits above the tiles.


regarding the foam board it will be very sturdy once tiled. 
close your timber spacing up to 200mm and it will be solid.


Yeah, that's how it's normally done, so same thing but with the tiles raised around the bath to make a flat surround. My wife has hip mobility issues so this would allow her to sit and swing her legs in to the tub without having to support her weight on the edge of the bath itself, which hurts.


So it would look like this -



Sounds like what your saying is that back board is strong enough if it has a bit more support than ply.


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1 hour ago, peteypops said:

My wife has hip mobility issues so this would allow her to sit and swing her legs in to the tub without having to support her weight on the edge of the bath itself, which hurts.


Ah, I see why now!


With my bath it's partially sunken. This so as the bath floor is exactly level with the bathroom floor. 










The sides of the bath are angled inwards so you can stand a bit closer we hen getting in. Works surprisingly well. 




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Nice! I'm still formulating a plan to lower the bath down from where it is in the picture, but the angled side panels is an intriguing idea. I'm gonna have to pay particular attention to the sealant around the bath but I'm kind of a bit OCD about that anyway.

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My bathroom floor is basically 100mm concrete on 150mm (50+100) Celotex. For the bath "pocket" I left out the 100mm of Celotex and sat a piece of 3/4" marine ply on the 50mm of Celotex. 




The guts of the angled frame:




Now really liking your level top idea. 

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