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Help with getting Ecodan ASHP settings right with Octopus Cosy

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We have recently moved over to Octupus Cosy and the plan is to run the heating fairly hard for the 3 cheap sessions which total 8 hours initially then add more if necessary but not within the 3 hour peak of 1600 to 1900 hours.


I tested the system yesterday having changed the heater timings to 0400 to 0700, 1300 to 1600 and 2200 to 2400 hrs. 


I was surprised that the fan on the ASHP was still going at 1700 hours drawing electricity at the peak rate. The timer had worked correctly and the status on the FTC controller was a square which I believe equates to "stand by". The pump had been heating for a four hours prior to 1600hrs.


Question: Is there anyway to turn it off stand by to off at 1600 and not draw on the expensive rate without taking the system off timed?

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Even though the times are set, is there a thermostat overriding, so during the none heat periods if a thermostat still believes its not warm enough is it still making the system run?


The other issue you will have on cosy, with a heat pump sized to match your house heat demand, is the heat pump cannot deliver 24 hrs of heat in 8 hrs. So if you have a heat demand of 5kW (so 5 x 24 hrs is 120kWh required in 24hrs), you need a 15kW ASHP (so 15 x 8hrs is 120kWh) for Cosy to work at design temp.  Or have a battery to allow the heat pump to run during expensive times.



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