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Road occupation permits ?

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We are going to have to crane our windows in from the road and need to address these points:


4. A traffic management drawing to demonstrate that the proposal will not be detrimental to the safe and convenient passage of pedestrians, vehicles or other road users. Please refer to the publication “Safety at Street Works and Road Works – A Code of Practice” for guidance (ISBN No. 9780115531453).


5. A method statement covering the nature and extent of the works.


6. A risk assessment.


Not sure where to really start with this. So was hoping that someone might have been through the pain already (not literally : ) ) who was kind enough to point me in the right direction , maybe even share their artefacts ?

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Traffic management come under chapter 8 - basically signage and safe routing of pedestrians etc. depending on the crane, (size, side reach and load being lifted) you may not need anything more than a person directing / escorting pedestrians around the crane and assisting traffic management especially if it’s a fairly quiet road.

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