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Copyright. Tweaking plans


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With regards to the plot i am looking at. I have been told the vendors have copyright permission to use the plans. I have done a bit of searching on here and elsewhere but not quite sure where I stand. I like the plot and the shape of the house but would want to make a few changes to apertures on the elevations, outside material finishes and lose the green roof. If I buy the plot and employ a different architect to tweak the design where do I stand with the copyright? Do you become liable for anything? Does the original architect see this as stealing his basic concept and just fluffing it up to change or do they accept this when selling the copyright to the original client for planning?



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We had similar, unless we went with the same architect we couldn’t use the plans, in the end we changed the whole design and went with a different architect.  

you may want to investigate some of the reports eg site survey, ecologist etc as they are likely to be in either the sellers or architects name and won’t be something you can rely on unless you can get the properly transferred by the original


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From your description of the changes you want to make, i.e. if you don’t want to change the footprint or roof dimensions, you may be able to just use ‘minor amendment’ applications on the original permission. You can just mark your changes reasonably accurately on the drawings you do have and get any random drawing service to redraw for cheap. You may even be able to submit your hand drawn amendments if they convey reasonably exactly what you want to do. Materials changes may be just a text application with images and specs of the new materials.

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9 hours ago, Oz07 said:

I have been told the vendors have copyright permission to use the plans

If the vendors already have plans, make sure that sticking to them is not one of the conditions of sale. It probably won't be, but have come across similar in the past.

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3 hours ago, Mike said:

If the vendors already have plans, make sure that sticking to them is not one of the conditions of sale. It probably won't be, but have come across similar in the past.

Yes this would be dealt with in conveyancing. Its not been stated upto now so can't see it being the case. 

4 hours ago, Alan Ambrose said:

From your description of the changes you want to make, i.e. if you don’t want to change the footprint or roof dimensions, you may be able to just use ‘minor amendment’ applications on the original permission. You can just mark your changes reasonably accurately on the drawings you do have and get any random drawing service to redraw for cheap. You may even be able to submit your hand drawn amendments if they convey reasonably exactly what you want to do. Materials changes may be just a text application with images and specs of the new materials.

Yeh I was going to submit a pre app listing my changes and asking if they could be dealt with under a non mat. Like you say just marking the existing drawings. I will need to use someone for the building regs and pcc though so will eventually need the original drawings playing around with. 


11 hours ago, PNAmble said:

We had similar, unless we went with the same architect we couldn’t use the plans, in the end we changed the whole design and went with a different architect.  

you may want to investigate some of the reports eg site survey, ecologist etc as they are likely to be in either the sellers or architects name and won’t be something you can rely on unless you can get the properly transferred by the original


I would get this double checked in conveyancing but If the agent has said the vendor has permission to use copyright (and presumably sell to new owner) i have to assume i am good? I was just unsure where you stand when you start tweaking. Maybe its a question for conveyancer to explicitly ask during conveyancing. Ie does vendor have permission to pass on copyright to existing plans including making any changes buyer would want to make or something similar?

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